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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. this is what happens when you make abone headed move be knee deep in one topic and post a miss understood new topic at same time. lol yea I think they set an example for Diggs, White and Dawkins yes?
  2. Ah got ya. and why cant we do that? sorry Guys I miss understood . Thanks for clarification
  3. Some times my brain is moving ahead of what I am saying . I guess that's how my head is wired. but right now its Value issue perfect and yes it is/was knee jerk cause NE did a bone headed knee jerk reaction by over paying. now things are changed a bit. now its about value. things changed. but Id like to think/hope you understand me now.
  4. I think when someone sets the market like this, things can change. NE overpaid to get a TE. Now the TE's that will be on the market will also see this and maybe take advantage of it. Now its a matter of, do we get Value at the position? do we have to or even want to over pay at a TE position? And as @NewEra Is also trying to say and remind me... it doesn't mean that a player may want to come here at the right price? I am not saying that either way.. What I am saying is its about value at the position.
  5. I am just saying players may still come to us looking.. But at the price TE's Just went up some how I don't think we will be looking as hard. Things do change like that
  6. yea at this price setting the market for TE.. I think its not in the conversation any more. we will settle with Knox. Just a gut feeling now
  7. Guys thank you very much for a spirited yet fun and honest conversation on this topic.
  8. NO its not. This changes everything. we are going to have to settle this year with Knox the right team over payed.. As much as I wanted him. he does not scare me
  9. I am wondering what a 26 year old Clay would of done with THIS QB. One would argue 100% more then what QB's he played with prior.
  10. So I hear ya and you changed your tune on the money thing which is ok for me I guess but What corner or Pass rusher can we get for 8 mil or less (what people think Jonnu will get) that would be impactful ?
  11. I really hope our players are taking a close look at this and some times what it takes to make a team great
  12. drop it that he didnt hit FA.. Just consider the sources that everyone said he wanted top dollar. Some times its not about money its about wanting a ring! Its refreshing.
  13. I think some of you are forgetting... BUFFALO IS IT!!! This is the place players WANT to be. We are the next thing coming.
  14. You got a thumbs up from me because your explaining why you feel this way instead of just saying no... or we cant afford it. As much as I disagree I respect your opinion. Just keep in mind.. There are plenty of contracts our GM can still renegotiate to get players in here. I think its possible. Dont want to keep reminding people of the name CLAY but remember the contract he got in tough times.
  15. I did too. oh come on... Everyone said Milano was going to hit FA and was going to ask for Top Dollar. You can make your exact statement with any player in FA coming up.. Sorry, saying someone getting top dollar now a days is more like a figure of speech these days
  16. pay them better next year when we have a ton more room and especially with covid cap rate bouncing back up
  17. OH like everyone said Milano was going to get top Dollar ? Sorry one can say this about any player coming out.
  18. I really hate hearing about out of price range blah ... There are ways to structure contracts that helps that. Again 100% agree. Now we find out if Bean gave smoke screen on TE position or not. I think we will find out really fast.
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