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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. I think people expect the world of Josh Allen and fail to realize, Josh is who he is as a football player. Josh has absolutely STUD moments and can carry a team on his back. He makes throws that maybe 2 other QB's can make (see the throw to Devin Singletary against Hou). He is an ultra competitor that can win the NFL. He is also the QB that will make bad throws and bad decisions by trying to force things/plays. I don't know that he'll ever be "polished." We have to live with that. I think Josh's good outweigh the bad. I love Josh Allen and his game. I'll live with him taking risks because I feel as though our defense will be able to keep us in many games.
  2. Hopefully with his year off he learned in game strategy/ clock management. One of the worst I've ever seen.
  3. He's saying that Tre didn't mention Levi at all in his interview but mentioned Kevin Johnson numerous times. I think he's saying that if Levi was going to play, he figured Tre would have mentioned his name.
  4. No man!!! You want people that DON'T fit your system! You want to bring in the BEST 3-4 nose tackle to play in the 4-3. Stop making sense........ Please see "Cleveland Browns"
  5. This. McDermott is this process guy and they have a plan. We haven't had a "Franchise QB" get us into the play-offs in over 20 years. We have one that did it in his 2nd year as a raw QB that was playing for a community college 4 years ago. He'll keep growing and developing and be fine.
  6. So this is in regards to the Milano thread where you said multiple times you aren't gushing about a player so you're catching hate, etc. The problem is, you called Milano slow and said he's a system play and he only does well because of coaching. What you're failing to realize if you can criticize any player as long as you do it objectively. Saying Milano is slow is just flat out wrong. Saying he is a product of the system is sort of weird. He covers TE's 1 on 1, he plays sideline to sideline, he's asked to do a lot. You need to actually watch him play and then come back with some sort of factual premise behind your weird dislike for him.
  7. Although this is true. IF they are looking to trade him, it is because of his massive salary which means his value will go down. A lot of teams don't want to carry that much cap on a DL and it would be a great negotiating tool for other GM's.
  8. There is NOT a huge talent drop from Edumunds to Milano. I don't know if you don't watch Milano play, however, when he missed the Miami game, we struggled mightily. I know our coaching is good but Milano is a very good player. I'm not asking to gush over every player. You're picking one of our rocks and saying he's slow, etc etc. I don't care how good coaching is, the player still has to PLAY. McDermott does not play 1 on 1 coverage on TE's.
  9. 4.67 is not fast for a lineback Royale. milano is just slowwwwwwwwwww. How can't you see him making tackles from sideline to sideline and covering TE's and WR's?????!?!?! /sarcasm
  10. Right right right... So just because our coaching is good, players don't have to have the skill to execute. So Milano has had a great year and career so far, not because he's good but because we have coaches who put him in the right spot. He doesn't have to actually perform, get to the hole, take on blocks, cover TE's, have ball skills, etc.
  11. Slow????????????????????????????? Have you watched him actually play?
  12. Yes, early in the year. He hasn't played in the last 3 games and in turn, Ford put out his best performances. I also understand that Spain is a free agent. People are saying to let him walk and move Ford over. For what? To have a 33 year old RT next year or another crap shoot FA/draftee? How about we let this guy continue to develop as is at RT and get something we haven't had in 10+ years.... offensive line continuity.
  13. No, I'm not getting defensive. We have a 10-4 record and have a solid offensive line with a rookie that has progressed tremendously as a raw talent throughout the year and we want to move him. Some people are wanting to move Feliciano and/or let Spain walk to move Ford to G. That's just not needed.
  14. Weird, I dont remember some of the most premier pass rushers in the league having much success against him........... It's weird man, I forgot that rookies can't get better.... unfortunately.
  15. I'd rather see Sweeney over DiMarco. ESPECIALLY when they put DiMarco out wide
  16. I will never understand how we take tackles that are currently playing well and want to bench / move them on this board. First, it was Glenn and the whole "move him to guard" as he was playing at a top 10 LT. Then it was, "Move Dawkins to RT.. maybe to G" Now it's Cody Ford... I mean, has he had some help on some plays? Sure. But as a rookie he has went against D Lawrence/ Michael Bennett, Von Miller, and TJ Watt.. and NONE of them have affected the outcome of the game... Watt had 2 TFL's on horrible play calls (Gore on an outside zone?!?!?!?!?!) and one half sack... he's playing fine.
  17. ... why so angry? Did you read the post I quoted and my response or did you just want to vent? The post I quoted said, "No one tailored an offense to Fitz" and I just said Chan Gailey did with him and Spiller (which .... is.... a ... fact) And after Gailey/Fitz left... Fitz's number diminished........ which is also........................ a fact.
  18. It was posted on twitter or something a week or two ago. I can't for the life of me remember where. There were like 80 qualifying DE's and he was last or second last. Sometimes he seems to be handled so regularly that he finds himself in good position. I watch him all the time and just think to myself... "wtf are you doing?"
  19. Statistically, Murphy is in the bottom 1% of pressures/ sacks per snap.
  20. If the Cardinals are willing (and it seems like they are based on lack of involvement) to get rid of David Johnson by cutting him or taking some of his salary. I think he'd be an incredible addition to this offense and what we do.
  21. Pretty much agree with this. If you keep the game in front of you, you beat them. They live and die by the big plays. They also lost 10-6 to the Panthers (or a similar score) and our defense is far superior to the Panthers defense.
  22. I've never seen people so upset with a #2 rated pass defense.... at a STARTING corner nonetheless. He is not bad at covering. He just sees triple the amount of balls Tre does. It's the NFL.. receivers get paid too.. If he was "bad at covering" and "a bum" i'm sure we'd have more than 1 hundred yard receivers against us this year... take a chill pill and enjoy the wins my guy.....
  23. If they're 1 seed and we're 5... It would more like than not be divisional round, no? Unless the 6 upsets the 4... Which means steelers/titans, etc would have to beat the chiefs.
  24. Chan Gailey did with him and Spiller. Then Spiller loses Gailey as does Fitz and they suddenly start playing poorly.
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