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Everything posted by DaggersEOD

  1. I apologize for not reading all the pages of content before this post, so not sure if any of this has been said yet. Obviously racism/discrimination cannot be tolerated, but no one thinks Gruden is a racist or homophobe. He has the only out gay player on his team and there’s been ZERO issues with the way he’s welcomed Nassibs courage. No one ever accused him of ever discriminating. All they have are decade old emails and the assumption that a negative opinion about an individual or an individual circumstance means that he was REALLY talking about EVERYONE who falls within the same demographic. Sports “Journalists” are just self important Karen’s. They get each other whipped into a self serving frenzy, demanding this and outraged at that so they can get clicks and retweets. Not sure about all fans, but this stuff is about as important to the game as those super tight reaction shots after every single play. Just show the field!! I’m sure I’ll get blasted for this, but if you look at peoples motive, you can figure out why they are behaving the way they are. These Sports Karen’s want attention and clicks. There is no benefit to being objective or dig to find the facts and pertinent nuggets to understand the situation. Because *gasp* if you don’t have the “right” opinion, you’ll be treated the same as Gruden was. Full marks for stupidity on Gruden’s side, but I highly doubt he’s a bigot. Don’t feed the Karen’s. GO BILLS!!
  2. I don’t think that having the Veteran RT line up next to the raw Rookie RT was an accident. He should be able to keep Brown from making rookie mistakes and show him the inside info Vets pick up throughout the game. As long as he’s not a liability, I’d like to keep Williams at RG until Brown gets some more game reps.
  3. We’ve also taken the foot off the gas early. AZ and KC have been fighting for their lives late in games.
  4. When that guy was hired, I knew the Bills weren’t serious about winning. The DC of a historically BAD D? Pick him up!
  5. Cool that he’s wearing Bills gear. Not sure that would happen unless there is some potential to having him around more often.
  6. I only lived on the West coast for a handful of years, so I’m not an expert, but this site has most of what I heard. https://daviswiki.org/in-n-out_secret_menu
  7. Most wrestlers compete WELL under their natural weight. He could probably add quite a few pounds and not lose any of his explosiveness. Also wrestled in HS and the commitment needed to get to and sustain a certain weight class requires strong will and discipline. Worth a shot…
  8. Maybe he should take Mrs. Palmer out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER CALL HER AGAIN!
  9. And there’s football speed vs sprinters speed. I think it’d be more useful if the combine was in full pads. Then the 40 time would be a more effective measurement. Come on kickoff!!!
  10. Child predators are literally the worst pieces of trash humanity has to offer. Can’t throw the book hard enough as far as I’m concerned. Hope the child is ok.
  11. I served with multiple openly gay/lesbian brothers and sisters in arms in the late 90’s to late 2000s. Before it was “legal”. Again no one cared. I think in situations where you work as a team in high stress environments, all you care about is capability, not their “turn ons and turn offs”. You honestly don’t have time to care about that other stuff. I think an NFL locker room is similar to a military unit in that regard. Great to see / hear.
  12. Both. Have you seen the propaganda our great nation rolled out showing the Japanese or Germans soldiers as caricatures of themselves. Remember the Japanese American concentration camps? If you take a look at the garbage that was WWII propaganda, you’ll see that it was a very racists period. The intent was to demonize / dehumanize their opponents. Everyone did it and it was all disgusting. That’s why I said WWII not Nazi.
  13. Pretty sure Cole was talking about a personal decision while the other is insulting him for it. Cole isn’t demanding anyone else do anything. He is just saying he feels discriminated against. Then this guy demeans him and by extension everyone who dares agree with him. You can see the difference right?
  14. No better depiction of how some view people who dare to disagree. You’d see the same crap during WWII propaganda. First dehumanize. Then eliminate.
  15. I really like the direction the Bills are going on the DL. Last year it seemed like we relied too much of the refs calling the game fairly. Like how Jerry is literally held on every play. You can effect speed rushers with holds that aren’t called. Power rushers, not nearly as much. So with these two additions, we may be able to more effectively push through uncalled holding penalties particularly during the playoffs when the refs “let them play”.
  16. I think it’s more of a professional accomplishment than the money he’d potentially get out of it. It’s an acknowledgment of their success. Seeing peers with lesser accomplishments being recognized and rewarded with endorsements is annoying to us Bills Fans.
  17. CDC disagrees: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations 44% vaccinated.
  18. Right. In your opinion. But you’re still in the minority. BTW, telling people they are stupid for not agreeing with you is not a convincing argument. Keep it up and you’ll be in the minority permanently
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