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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’d correct this. The Leftist looks at all three glasses and somehow believes that they’re half full glass is less half full than everyone else’s half full glass.
  2. Wrong. That is not the basis of the indictment. The case is essentially about bookkeeping. The issue is whether it’s illegal to use campaign funds for this sort of payment. It is NOT illegal for two people to willingly enter into a contract exchanging money for a ‘gag order’. (you gotta love the use of gag order 😉)
  3. The goal is not to play rookies. The goal is to win football games. This statistical chart while interesting really is nothing more than a bunch of statistics.
  4. It’s definitely complicated, because unlike in other sports, in football the various positions are completely different. There are both offense and defense, etc. So my point was if you desperately want/need a new starting MLB, not taking him at 27 because you think he slots closer to 39 is a bit silly. (My two cents.)
  5. I’m always right…and the rest of you don’t have a clue. 😂😂
  6. The reason you see teams move up a dozen picks is NOT because they think a player is super good. It’s because they believe that a team before them is going to select him. I have no problem with that…although I’m not always convinced that they actually know what other team is taking who.
  7. I’ve never understood trying to slot a guy into exactly his draft value. We all just saw a thread showing how much if crap shoot these picks really are. Does this mean you take a fourth round guy in the first…no. But taking a guy a dozen or so players early doesn’t seem like much of a gamble or waste to me. You only get one pick every 32 players.
  8. And down the rabbit hole we go. Geez….you asked whether I thought he had sex with Ms Daniels….and I said I don’t care. YOU obviously do. Have a nice day.
  9. Thanks for the clarification. It’s not always clear on here what the heck folks are talking about….but…I believe it was YOU who wanted to place bets on whether Trump had a relationship with Ms Daniels. No?
  10. That still isn’t what the case is about. Nice try.
  11. Touché I’m done with my coffee and the suns coming up out here. Hope your back is feeling better!
  12. It’s settled then. You don’t understand the attraction AT ALL. Thanks though.
  13. Huh? That’s not what the Bragg case is about.
  14. While memes are cute, I’d love to see if your chart would be all that different. I doubt that it would.
  15. For starters, the people voting for Trump have absolutely zero interest in being invited to Mar-a-Lago.
  16. I’ll at least give you credit for trying. But I’m not sure you have the specific gist of it.
  17. You clearly need to spend some time in your local school. Or maybe just an afternoon in the administration or counseling office. The things they deal with today are way more out there than running in the hallway or chewing gum in class.
  18. Describe it for me then. What’s the attraction?
  19. I live in a megalopolis made up of every race in the book with one of the largest construction workforces on the planet. The entire market is dominated by Hispanics. Nobody thinks anything of it. You really need to get out more! There’s a big country outside of WNY.
  20. And that’s much of what I’ve said about this ranking. I’m not saying it’s garbage. I actually think it’s pretty good. But with any such scoring metric there’s a lot of subjectivity that ends up in it too. I applaud the guy for trying to quantify it on one page.
  21. After all this time, you really don’t understand the allure of Trump to many millions of Americans? Really?
  22. I have absolutely no idea. Nor do I care. Why do you?
  23. I’m not sure what that means. The same could be said if construction workers, and many other physical fields of employment. So?
  24. Or throwing bricks at the police protecting the White House. (Seems like you’ve chosen a pretty low bar there Hawk.)
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