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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Different coaching staff playing at amazing type get's to Super bowl.. They are doing amazing all three phases right now look at the stats.
  2. Reading the Broncos message board we might be playing a championship game team. They are great all three, offense, defense and ST plus very good depth makes great plays. Panthers, Ravens and Bronco's might one of the best D right now. If Cordy Glenn is out god help us. Our offense might be worse then Panthers game. But any team in NFL bring there A game any week.
  3. Ya lol but Rex as well did not help matter since get rid of Donnie. Still two words. lol
  4. I think as well Bronco's have a great run game as well Two words. Mike McCoy! created a scheme fit's players. I think pretty much lot of same talent and doing much better then Dennison year before.
  5. McCoy coaches his scheme to talent (might be one of best out there). Does not surprised me Bronco's offense doing much better this year. 4th quarter of games (chargers when HC) he goes non-aggressive. But McCoy is an great OC not HC. I wanted soo badly here with the Bills.
  6. I agree with this. And it was one of Tyrod better throws of day IMO.
  7. Yes Zay slowed down a bit, tracking the ball, ran sloppy route.
  8. Zay is mostly at fault. He slowed and Tyrod already throw it anticipation where he was going top. If he went full speed and not look sloppy. Game of inches I call it.
  9. Watkins makes other teams respect him. Without him way easier to defend and Tyrod strength is the deep ball. Goodwin helped in this area as well. Without helping Tyrod strength makes offense easier to defend stack the box on McCoy. Good d like today will make the offense look foolish.
  10. I blame bad scheme, bad play calling (Tolbert had 3 plays in a row for him lol). Without Sammy and TD Mike our offense becomes way easier to defend. They brought something to our offense. Offense took a step back by lots of things. Tyrod not the best QB but not being played to strengths.
  11. They both look weak but of course first game of year hard to tell.
  12. Used like a minute on the clock for 10 yards lol.
  13. Looks like 2 minute drill past couple years here. Don't miss it These play calls are ****ty....
  14. Wow using short passes.... Not the way to win for Chargers
  15. Ya Frazier is a great secondary coach as well. He helped changed Raven's secondary as well last year,,
  16. He sounds like he is miserable with everything. Mostly says nothing good about the Bill's.
  17. Chargers getting no pressure and there d looks awful. And poor coverage. Early but I like Frazier much better than Bradley right now. I think Frazier is better DC.
  18. Saint's went 7-9..... With best offense............... Lost today's game.
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