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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. You are a bigot and don't even kow it... It's like a meme. Ahahahaha.
  2. Democrats changed from a negative injury to a positive one... Republicans have never stopped trying to remove the injury. The platform switching thing is what racist Democrats tell themselves so they can sleep at night.
  3. Some of yall may like this... the Democratic party is centered around a division of races. Whether the injury is negative or positive, they have been adamant that black people are "different." Democrats are the party of slavery. Why dont they change their name in order to remove the stain which supported slavery, Jim Crow, and positive injury?
  4. I hope you're right. I can only imagine someone getting heart damage and the school saying the scholarship is needed for football. They may replace the scholarship, as it would an publicly inflammatory thing for them not to.
  5. Imagine losing a scholarship because you get Covid while playing...
  6. I think the love of, and acceptance of, Communism if far more deplorable. I mean, the Bolshevik's killed a lot of Christians. They were worse than the Nazis, I'd argue. This is the world we live in...
  7. To protect our country from liberal politicians who are literally aiding and abetting the destruction of their state/county/city in order to gain national attention for race riots they want to blame on Trump. All this for the 2020 election. I'm amazed that people are hiding so hard from the truth.
  8. The car was turning right about halfway through the vid. Definitely 5 shots from the guys AK, before he was shot. Some reports (could be fake news) states he was firing in the air to scare the driver. Either way, 3 shots is the box drill, haha.
  9. This dude was killed 7-25-2020 in Austin 7/25. https://twitter.com/TexasAssassin/status/1287278427221917696?s=09
  10. Is he still posting here? Also, where did this brigade come from? This is really just sad propaganda. Wannabes dress like what they wannabe all the time. The feds are allowed, BY LAW, to defend federal property. Cannot argue with that. Trump will probably prosecute ANTIFA and the other "cause parasites" to the fullest. Not very promising for them. Maybe, Biden will win and pardon them all in a serious act of crappieness.
  11. Glad they are surrounding Wilson with more help...
  12. Women do this a lot more than we are aware. Then, the get a rise out of the guy, and call the cops on him. In other words, IT'S A TRAP
  13. What is the season thus far? Is it the full 16 games? Did they release schedules/plan for attendance?
  14. Well, Richie Incognito is back in the league. I was was given a TO (temporarily banned) because of me defending myself against the haters on here. My post was also locked by the mod, as the suggestion was too off the rails. The NFL does have the money to prevent it, but people are people. We'll see, is all I have to say to you. Id have to see the schedules, locations, and nirmal information which would be available to us, before I wager, tbh.
  15. Wait until the first players die from the Wuhan.
  16. https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/15/21326200/elon-musk-bill-gates-twitter-hack-bitcoin-scam-compromised There may not be much fallout, as they did a funny btc scam. But, if they were smart enough to hack these guys Twitter accounts, maybe they will be bribing these famous people based upon stolen DMs. You know what, the mere fact they could have taken the DMs means they're probably dead men. They need to release them to increase their chance of survival.
  17. Do you have an Allen NT RC? Just wondering. People collect all sorts of memorabilia, just wondered if you collected cards and want to buy some of mine, haha. Again, its worth what someone will pay for it.
  18. Marlboro is also valued as "Americana" which would add value. The answer to OP is that it is worth whatever someone will pay for it. Getting the autographs authenticated would make the value go up, as well. That said, I'd keep it. that's a bit much... But, see above^^^
  19. They should just stay with Washington and the Indian logo. Or, the Washington Indians? Lizard People?
  20. Perhaps emotions got the better of him when he realized his time was up.
  21. Yeah, I get you. No bias from you... Smaller classroom sizes are what I want, as they have already pinched more than they can chew where mine goes. Making it worse are the CA teachers unions who literally defended a teacher who fed ***** to his students. Nah, they don't get a pass from me. They are usually pretty disgustingly lazy people, who are given their jobs because they can serve no other purpose for society. There are some good ones mixed in there but the majority are parasitic turds who know they can't be fired. At least here in CA. If you're relying on the state to teach your children, in this day and age, you're a boob.
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