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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I thought they were named "Bills" after the male Bison being called a "Billy." Basically, the team name was "Buffalo Male Bison." I suppose there could be a sexism argument about not including female Bison in the name.
  2. I think everyone does naturally. Online classes are usually the worst. I mean, lesser educational institutions rely solely on them. I like the idea of smaller classes, as classroom size has ballooned where I live, far past the threshold set by the institutions initially. Use the Wuhan to make them live up to their principles.
  3. Kids will not react to this online stuff. Especially, younger ones. The online stuff they tried this last year was a joke, and basically the parents just teach the kids (which is not necessarily a bad idea). It is just that the schools are a joke, and replacement of in person learning is not refined enough for younger students to learn.
  4. This one works in CA: I support Donald Trump Others: I live with my mom. Are you a trans?
  5. That is a ridiculous conclusion. You're just being contrarian. Wattering down a fountain or a fire department. There is just some level of expertise not needed to put out a fire or to read books to kids. At some point 2 discount teachers are far superior than 1 regular priced teacher. Their ceilings are not that high until they teach at college, tbh. Hiring more will make education worse? Maybe, it'll free current teachers time, so they can do a better job. Further, the vast majority of teachers I have seen are complete boobs. I literally had no idea how utterly moronic grade school teachers were until my little one started school a few years ago. It amazes me how some of them ever got jobs, let alone have the nerve to leave the house. Lastly, if they are already underpaid, then we are not watering down crap, as the free market has already dictated their station. Nope, hiring more teachers and capping class sizes, for "Covid" would be great, as people may freak out when they go to lay those teachers off in a year or more. Itll hopefully keep the classroom sizes smaller. Its a classic win, win, win type of scenario.
  6. Certainly, you get the humor in the comment. Its funny because its true. I personally think some teachers are way overpaid and some way underpaid. But, that is an differentconversation. However, there are people who use situations like these to cut employees and their salaries, while calling it leveraging.
  7. True... I have not seen such sad leadership in my entire life, on this scale. It is like two here are multiple sides each trying to exploit the pandemic for selfish needs. That said, smaller class size would also mean teachers would have less work, so I wouldn't have to hear them whine about being overworked and underpaid. This way, they'll just be underpaid.
  8. Certain students go mon/wed while others go tue/thurs... staggering makes sense. Whatever the process chosen is, i hope the wade into the pool slowly, this time.
  9. From the police forces' budgets... yuk yuk yuk.. Seriously, it is something that should have been done decades ago. Using this pandemic to create something good and also a compromise, is worth a shot. You'd think with the unemployment numbers, getting adequate instructors at bargain barrel prices would be a thing. Honestly, moving money towards education, in a responsible way, is something rarely achieved by government.
  10. How about smaller class sizes? Better education for the kids. Limits exposure to viruses and sickness. Addressing a few problems at once.
  11. And, it can all be drawn out to give the voters an intelligible look at the candidates. "Too old to investigate a Presidential candidate" seems like a lame argument, IMHO. See comment above.
  12. Nothing huge, but I'm sure some of the allegations should be looked into by the "media." There are simply too many people willing to lie to make politicians look bad, that the truth is near impossible to find. A lot of people cheat, tbh. Especially, when cheating can make a career. Until shown otherwise, this goes in the mud-pile.
  13. Having McDermott as HC has allowed me to realize how poorly coached the teams of the past were, and given me a newfound respect for coaching, tbh.
  14. https://babylonbee.com/news/redskins-to-change-name-to-lizard-people-so-theyll-fit-in-better-in-dc Washinton Lizard People sounds appealing.
  15. It's almost as if the NFL is incentivizing these types of acts...
  16. "The same way Epstein killed himself." I surely hope you're able to comprehend my point. Just because I think Trump has done a poor job handling the pandemic, doesn't mean I don't support him over Biden, nor does it mean I disagree with all his positions. The problem with many people is that they always disagree and always agree with their guy, illustrating a complete lack of principle.
  17. It amazes me how the line voting man is so quick to cling to anecdotal evidence, to defend his poor position. Trump is not responsible for the EU travel ban, the liberals are... COPE harder, brother. There was a time when the US President would lead the country AND the would at times like these... Then you have COPE... Truly pathetic, and may God help us all. It's sad. And that is truth. I come here for the cesspool. And, may it never change. THE EU BANNED US because our leadership is worthless. Also, Epstein didn't kill himself, LIKE OUR LEADERSHIP CLAIMS!
  18. Yeah, his task force also had major influence from the guy that wanted to open up (Trump), without forethought. They should have either let the herd immunity thing flow, or take the Wuhan seriously. They are half-assing both. To you 3rdnlng, wouldn't it have been better if Trump actually called out the states doing what they want? He called out the liberal states, who wanted to remain closed, and said they were trying to crash the economy. His leadership has been pathetic during this pandemic. It is inarguable. Why not demand Governors form all 50 states meet, if your so determined to place blame on them, for any of the fallout, if bad? Sorry, man. Federal and state governments need to work together to fight a pandemic. Trump exhibited NO leadershop skill, and is still blaming high number on high testing. Loved his rally, and loved the liberal governors and mayor encouraging protests and riots... The EU banned Americans because of our leadership, or serious lack thereof.
  19. Elliott is the best RB in the NFL... Pretty easy decision to make, tbh.
  20. Let's start splitting liberal and conservative states... Weeee!
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