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Status Updates posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. He/ she is calling NYers Low life liberals 



  2. hey man how you been?   




  3. hey man,  thanks for not taking the crap in the PPP personal like a lot of those guys and or gals do.  

    my dislike for Don goes on way before he entered into politics. 

  4. honestly I have so little clue what guidelines the mods follow anymore 


    don't self mod

    don't report too many threads for duplication 

    Sorry  I just don't need or want to carry on the same conversation in 3 different threads 


    1. BringBackFergy


      There's varying opinions on this debate...best to let people start their threads and the mods will close if there is too much duplication.  That blowup the other day with Reed when you said his thread was covered in yours was a good case in point...create what you want and try not to duplicate other stuff. Or try and come up with a new angle on the team (special teams ranking, "Guess first play from scrimmage", etc.)  I used to do "Guess the First Play from Scrimmage" every week for awhile and that's always fun. I give you permission to go for it!!  LOL

    2. SlimShady'sSpaceForce


      I was fuking with Reed and he got pissy.  


      sometimes snowflakes make things interesting when you call them lazy 

  5. I didn't block him because I disagree with him   

    I blocked Teddy because he's ignorant.  

    He's the a typical PPP insult persona. 


    1. SWATeam


      I can see how he is easily blockable, no doubt.  Often gets on my nerves as well.

  6. I didn't mean to piss on your thread.  


    the last post I was just busting on Mike 


    1. teef


      oh hell yeah!  i'm not a real doctor, but i look good in a two piece.

    2. SlimShady'sSpaceForce



      dentists are teef doctors 


  7. I got nailed by SDS.  


    Chandler seems to be out to nail me 


    I reported Chandler for racy pictures lol. He deserved it. 

    they were deleted ? 

    1. OldTimeAFLGuy


      ...NEVER a word or warning for SDS or Chandler.....only one has been Hap....even said Bisquit97 is a "protected poster...so be nice"....... sounds like they have their favorite targets....

  8. I just post that crap because I know it upsets Turbo.  He dishes it out but he hates getting it back


    1. RoyBatty is alive

      RoyBatty is alive

      i have had me run ins with him, i learned a long time ago and told him multiple times his inability to admit when he is factually wrong and argue  just to wear people down and "be right" is something he should self examine

  9. I knew that prick would to that.

    he's got an agenda against me. 

  10. I tamed it down 


    otherwise it would have been deleted 


    He’s always been an ass to me.  

  11. I think there was a change up 


    Hapless left as being a mod. 

    She is may have a different account to post / lurk with. 

    Chandler might not even be a Mod any longer. 

    but if I post off culture pictures someone keeps deleting them. 

    Rocky Horror Picture show MAY have been a bit much. 

    1. StHustle


      Yeah I see Chandler is no longer a mod…interesting…wonder if he quit or got the boot. Was never a fan of his.


      Anyway looks like you should be the next mod.

    2. SlimShady'sSpaceForce




      that would be fun. 

  12. I was just trolling CBiscuit a bit.


    I have not said much bad about Lamar throughout the season.  The tram has done exceptionally well.


    I am just not willing to crown him as MVP as a passing QB. 


  13. It was hard to know how serious you were regarding the maps.  At first I though joke, then I started to doubt what I had read.. 


    Sunday Night Football is EVERYONE





    1. Gugny


      It was a joke the whole time.  I don't have the heart to tell the other dude.

  14. Jauronimo is being a prick.  He loves to call me out specifically  Just like Teddy does. 


    the ignore list got one person larger 

  15. Jealousy??  Are you Teddy KGB or Turbo? 



  16. JuaraniTrump says he doesn't like Trump yet defends him at every mention. 


    It started when I said Don wanted to Kiss all the men at the Florida rally last night,  


    called me a homophobe then asked if I had any black friends   


    You can't fix stupid or give it the time of day.  



  17. Just busting your chops  


    No offense 


  18. Kay = Biff just so you know...  


    he can be funny but he reaches too much IMO.  

  19. LMAO....  awesome. 


    If I say anything public the prick will suspend me again

  20. LOL  that is why I kept it simple with style.  

    so many definitions of selective, semi auto and full auto.

    My shotgun is semi auto and I can rip 5 shots in no time ...  deer are fast and trees kept getting in the way. 

  21. LOL ...  Peeps are not liking the Ghost reference.

    you troublemaker you HAHAHAHAHA 

  22. LOL,...  you changed the name back....  I was ALMOST about to have a Mod Merge the two 


  23. Long story re Tranny is a total D Bag dating back to the BBMB 


    I like to egg him on to piss him off.  

  24. My thread in this got deleted because I posted pictures.   

    and I got a nasty warning for it. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OldTimeAFLGuy


      DELETED.....thanks.....I'm on Hap's target list..........????...........

    3. SlimShady'sSpaceForce


      Moderation actions 


    4. OldTimeAFLGuy


      self aggrandisement like the old BBMB days....JAYHAWK so noted.......

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