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Everything posted by thunderingsquid

  1. They've got to make a decision soon. I am depating starting Tyler Boyd over Derrick Henry ffs.
  2. Fred Jackson is my hero. Underdog, overachiever, grinder, workhorse, family man and gives back to the community. I'd give my left nut to have lunch with him.
  3. Before training camp started it was a foregone conclusion that our running game would be 60/40 in favor of Singletary and Moss would just plug into Gore's former role. Now that TC is sunsetting and Singletary had his bad days holding on to the football, do you all see Moss maybe getting more of a share? I also heard that we may be passing even more and the RBs touches may go down even more. How is Moss doing in TC? I haven't heard much at all. Go Bills!
  4. I will come out supporting him all day but c'mon we still have the hoodie in our division, you gotta keep somewhat of a lid on this kind of stuff
  5. I'm all for Washington Taxation Without Representation.
  6. Any Berman-ism. Could. Go. All. The. Way. Rumblin bumblin stumblin.
  7. Hopefully they will keep the double redundant feather logo. So stylish. So repetitive.
  8. I hope so. It's been a long time coming. And IMO maybe they wouldn't suck so much if they did change. Couldn't hurt.
  9. I recommended starting a new thread. You should know that by now.
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