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Everything posted by Ayjent

  1. Well the Eagles just won a super bowl with a guy that no one thought would win a super bowl because of good coaching and good players around him. I get what you are saying though, and I think it’s a valid argument, but Tyrod was worth having even with losing out on some cap space and a high 3rd rounder just to maximize the options to have someone for a rookie to be groomed behind. This is is why it looks like they are probably close to working out a deal for one of the guys on the market or have traded up into a position to get a QB - it may already be all but announced.
  2. Yep. Now They have no real starting caliber QB and we know how that works out for teams - especially the Bills. It can be a long time coming before they get a guy that has been as successful as Tyrod and I’m telling you that Foles and Cousins are the product of good coaching and systems - they aren’t transcendent talent otherwise they wouldn’t be on the market. The rookies are no guarantee. You take your medicine on paying the roster bonus because a third rounder or any draft pick for that matter is a crapshoot to be a good player.
  3. It’s dumb to be without a starting caliber QB when you are trying to make deals. And yes Tyrod is a starting level QB, and not a bad one. Bills just lost leverage and fallback position.
  4. You make some interesting conclusions but you didn't show your work. Could be that you made too many assumptions without knowing anything about the subject.
  5. I believe that science is its own dogmatic religion and it is fine to question accepted scientific fact (fwiw making observations with our limited perspective is like saying you know what a billion piece puzzle looks like when all you have a piece of cardboard dust from the box), but there needs to be an open-mindedness to such questioning and equally compelling facts that aren't actually a bunch of debunked observations with no validity. The interesting part of this flat Earth stuff is that they are actually promoting some idea that very powerful people know and are intending to deceive everyone - while there is certainly some truth to the underlying sentiment that there are very powerful people that benefit from exploiting people - it totally undermines how much power the majority has if they exercise it because it creates a myth that this small power group is way stronger and persuasive than we could imagine. It's an interesting psychology, but its actually not surprising.,
  6. Geno is not helping himself in the market - but his understanding of physics and the universe could explain his issues with accuracy. He throws like someone that has the wrong model of physics - maybe he just needs someone to show him how to throw under the proven model of physics and you get a franchise QB. West Virginia and Duke must be proud institutions to have alumni with such "diverse" perspectives on science. I actually am saddened to see guys like Kyrie and Geno believe this nonsense - but you can kind of understand where it comes from -> it's a product of many generations of unstable communities, poor education, and feeling of powerlessness against forces stacked against you.
  7. Is it that the money can only be made if the Earth is spherical? BTW, were the Mayans and Incans who had more advanced understanding of the movements of bodies in the universe before ever making contact with the Europeans in on the global conspiracy or just simply too backwards to understand that the Earth was flat? There are no doubt real conspiracies (as in the truest sense of the word) - its actually what government does the get together and decide things and who benefits from the rules and laws. However, there is no need for elaborate conspiracies about our place in the universe and physics that would have had to be kept in secrecy for over 600 years - its just not worth the effort and not worth enough money to any one. BTW, it's really a good demonstration that you believe that you are pretty powerless and that there are forces with immense power that control things. That's why there is such a rise in these crazy conspiracy theories - the feeling of relative powerlessness in our economic and political systems.
  8. I'm not one to tell people how to act, but I'll just say that I'm glad me and my Pops never showed affection like that ON THE FIRST KISS, much less the second.
  9. Whoa at that kiss! Yikes! The first kiss is bad enough for a father and son, but the second one is really weird considering he has no shirt on while getting a massage.
  10. Of course he and his agent are interested into talking to everyone, doesn't that increase the likelihood of getting a better deal.
  11. Are you kidding me? If it weren't for him being a drunk that sometimes goes AWOL he'd be one of the most coveted Front Office people in the NFL. He is responsible for building the Seahawks into a juggernaut (Russell Wilson, Kam Chancellor, Richard Sherman, etc.) and turning the Redskins from a team with bloated veteran FA contracts into a younger more talented team. Like all guys that are GMs he didn't always knock it out of the park in the draft, but he is talented at putting together a roster that wins.
  12. You ever watch Andy Reid's offenses, especially with new starters? He has a big arm for sure, but I'm just telling you that Reid is going to put the training wheels on to make sure he can do the things they need him to do before opening things up.
  13. We shall see. They must really like Mahomes and Reid knows how to develop players at the QB position - but I think they are going to get Mahomes into rhythm with simple passing to the playmakers on the team. I would imagine it is going to be a lot of horizontal and short passing with a heavy dose of run and RB/TE pass plays.
  14. Alex Smith in Gruden's offense is a perfect fit, a seasoned veteran that knows what to do and makes the right throws, even if he isn't exciting. Yes it was partially money at play, but it was more about getting a guy that wanted to be there and could be inserted into the Offense without any hickups. Gruden has made other guys at QB like Colt McCoy look good in Washington. He is a good offensive coach, but the team hasn't been that good on Defense (they looked better last year but that seemed to be more about having some good talent than coaching, because once injuries piled up they were mediocre). We shall see how well Cousins does somewhere else and Smith in Washington, but my guess is that Smith will actually be better for Washington than Cousins will be for someone else.
  15. Yep - they also watched him show his mediocrity down the stretch of the season 10 TDs/8 Ints 217 pass ypg in last 6 games and didn't play that well in divisional games (teams that play him most). I live in DC, and people are torn about what this trade means about losing Cousins, but I think it speaks volumes about how the team views his talent. He wasn't very impressive before Gruden got to DC, and I'm not saying that he hasn't improved, but it's far from a sure thing that he will go somewhere and light it up. There is going to be buyer's remorse somewhere.
  16. Washington was ravaged with injuries and has probably one of the top 5 TEs in the league in Jordan Reed, a pretty good running game with a solid line (when healthy), and a good offensive coach. Cousins and Washington never saw his value on the same plane and that's why they didn't secure him. And Washington isn't a team that plays it cheaply when it comes to paying players. So people need to start putting the pieces together on this puzzle - Cousins ceiling is what you've seen with Gruden and it's not likely that he is going to go just anywhere and be as successful. He's a decent QB, but he is not going to be looking for anything but a big payday - and if you think that lip service about going to a winner matters, then you are delusional - that's called marketing yourself, and getting the fans of whatever team he signs with excited that a coveted FA QB thinks your team is a winner.
  17. I think that is a fair assessment of those QBs, other than Cousins is a really good Peterman (and I'm not saying Cousins is really good). I think the Bills are going to have to pay to keep a dependable guy at QB while they try to identify a young guy, and I don't think Peterman, a Rookie and some bargain bin veteran QB is a good plan. If they do think Peterman is that guy, I have serious doubts about this staff and the GM. Peterman may do some things right, but he does a lot wrong - some of that can be attributed to rookie play, but from what I saw some of those things aren't going to change even with good coaching - he lost his technique and made bad decisions under pressure, had a bad feel for the pocket, and doesn't have a strong enough arm to get away with errant throws. I'm guessing that the coaching staff likes his ability to throw with anticipation and timing - but sometimes you fall in love with the prospects of a QB that can do what your starter can't do and forget about all of the things your starter does well that you take for granted (well until that guy is an embarrassing turnover machine). Consistency in doing more things right far more times than wrong is what makes the difference between a Hall of Famer and a guy that shouldn't see the field. I get the cost of Tyrod, but Tyrod puts them in a predicament because he was they guy that got the Bills to the first playoff appearance, and I truly do think they appreciate that Tyrod is a professional who works hard, protects the ball, has a good feel for the pocket and has shown in previous seasons that he can make plays. They also realize he isn't going to be a guy that you can rely upon to bring you back from a big deficit or win a game in crunch time with any frequency. I am always cautious of getting rid of a guy that is decent without having identified someone better and putting the team in a pickle with no proven commodity at QB. I'm not sure what to expect from Daboll - he wasn't exactly blessed with much talent in Cleveland, Miami or KC in his stints in the NFL, and he was blessed with a plethora of talent in Alabama this past season. I think his working with Hurts, who has his own limitations, certainly isn't a bad fit for Tyrod, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Tyrod part of the team this upcoming year. I think that is very much in play based on the way McDermott was talking about Tyrod after the season was over and I think it is clear that McDermott saw the OC as the biggest issue. If they can get Bridgewater I'm all for it. I'm lukewarm on Alex Smith. I think Cousins cost will be prohibitive (thankfully). All of those guys would cost a good amount.
  18. Yeah, but you can get someone as good as Cousins for a lot less than Cousins in my opinion. He is a guy that has been the beneficiary of good coaching, and struggled with consistency before Gruden was there. I.e., I think Gruden is a pretty good coach and the McVay is certainly a good offensive coach as well. Before that Cousins was...well...okay, but not seen as a franchise guy - a borderline starter. The reason he may not stay in Washington, because they know that too. The only one that doesn't seem to know that is Cousins and some delusional fans that think he is a franchise QB and don't watch Washington every week. Cousins going to a team with a questionable OC or HC that is defensive minded is going to struggle badly and lead to a lot of fans being upset with them spending so much money on him (he is too expensive for what he is, and he can be a turnover machine with the wrong coaching).
  19. I agree with taking any of those three at 21 or 22 (doesn't really matter) - would be interesting to see what the Bills would do trade-wise if two of those three were there for their picks. I think the Bills have an interesting situation with consecutive picks and two coveted QBs on the board - they could hold one of those guys for the highest ransom while not having to deal while being on the clock. Highly unlikely that two much less one will be there at 21, though. I wouldn't move up for Darnold or Rosen - too much to give up for too little in my opinion.
  20. You are right, but no matter the sport there is some degree of human element (determination and ability to improve, ability to to succeed with different coaching staffs, fit with other players) in any analysis of future potential. Football analytics are still developing, and I'd say that there is still a considerable way for them to go and that they can improve. The eye test in my opinion is merely people saying certain stats of evaluation are just not accurate indicators of success and they are right. However, if you start to break down the players that "look" good and what they do and don't do, you start recognizing that there are stats and qualitative evaluations that can tell a better story.
  21. I appreciate the effort that went into this, but the statistics are not related enough to anything that leads to a tangible analysis of the necessary skills to be a successful NFL QB. Rushing yards and passing yards for one's college career are just too broad and as the data shows there is no discernible trend and the sample size is small as recognized. There are several statistics that could be looked at but are not typically available for mass consumption to analyze a QB: First down percentage per play when QB passes/runs Third down conversion rate when QB passes/runs Sacks per drop back (this is only part of the story of pocket presence) Air yards per pass attempt Yards per pass attempt Turnover rate per pass/rush attempt Completion percentage on passes of 10 air yards or more (this is a better indicator of accuracy on intermediate and deep throws) Red zone efficiency adjusted for plays resulting in first down and touchdown conversions where QB passes/runs Passes deflected/batted down at the line of scrimmage? Then you have more qualitative measures: What responsibilities did the QB have pre-snap? Was the player aware of what should and should not be done in game situations? Did the player have awareness in the pocket and move to avoid pressure effectively? When the player broke the pocket how often did the player keep passing options open? Did the player have the ability to throw into tight windows? Did the player have the ability to throw receivers open? Did the player show bad throwing technique/decision making under pass pressure? So as much as people would like to rely on TDs/Ints, rushing yards, passing yards, and QB ratings - the more detailed stats which would likely require someone going through loads of tape with these measures in mind, and then there is still some uncertainty because most of the time you are not sure if what happened during a play was coached or the player going off script. Some things are just hard to quantify - like pocket presence and ability to diagnose a defense pre-snap. My guess is if you did this for the QBs drafted during the past 10 years you'd have a much better predictor of success in the NFL.
  22. Tyrod isn't the best passing QB. No argument from me on that, but the blocking schemes weren't great. The run game took a step back, and they tried to make Taylor into the QB that he isn't (more pocket passing), rather than tailoring it to his strengths like the last 2 OCs. Dennison completely tried changing the things that this personnel did well and only changed after the players strongly advocated to go back to what worked. Remember these issues under Ryan's Defenses? Guys being coached to a scheme that they know isn't working well enough and away from what they know does and has in the recent past. I don't think that the argument about how many OCs does Taylor need to go through is relevant. Roman was a sacrificial lamb for Ryan and the least of the issues wrong with the team, and Lynn was hired as HC. So Taylor actually helped make someone into a HC rather than a casualty. Dennison's predecessors had plenty of success with Taylor and the offenses under Taylor were a huge improvement over the most of the offenses the Bills had before him. I'm not saying Taylor is the long term answer - he is not, IMO. However, I don't think you throw him out of the picture until you are sure you've got something better. Dennison on the other hand is not the guy for the job of OC, either, but as I said and as Shaw said, I don't think there is a significant chance he is fired. McDermott doesn't strike me as a cut throat guy that would throw his OC under the bus after a playoff appearance. It's not necessarily the right move to keep him, though, if better options become available. I really think they need a good OC that knows how to develop a QB if they plan on developing one. However, this may not be what they are really interested in doing given their draft position and the amount of veteran QBs that are likely available this off-season.
  23. You should finish the thought : "Dennison should stay home and retire." I'm not a fan of coaching that puts a rigid system in place that only certain players can do well in. Systems aren't necessarily bad, but one that requires certain talent at high levels is just too inflexible for the realities of NFL rosters over the course of a season.
  24. I think it's a less than 50% chance they fire Dennison. But I thought it was a bad hire and it proved itself out. You can point to Tyrod for the Offensive struggles and you wouldn't be incorrect in doing so, but you also have to put a lot of culpability on the OC that was too stubborn to mold a system around his talent. A guy that is looking for the right piece to his system is doomed to failure in the NFL, because injuries are just part of the game and the ideal component is always a play away from being unavailable. The coaches who adjust and evolve with the strengths of their personnel are the best coaches. I'm not saying Dennison didn't adapt, but it was really just half-measures and some elements of his offense that are just not suited to the personnel remained staples in the playcalling - such as the zone read runs wide - those were consistently met with TFLs. The playcalling lacked aggressiveness and seemed designed to get 10 yards in 3 plays, rather than attacking defenses. Mistakes were almost insurmountable if the team got behind the chains, and the play calling seemed satisfied with no turnover punts if 2nd and long presented itself. The NFL rewards passing more than running, and 2nd and long can easily be wiped out by defensive holding, illegal contact, and pass interference - some teams even design plays around trying to get those calls. Running on 2nd and long in an obvious run formation just doesn't cut it.
  25. He was much better than Dennison, but as people are pointing out - he had his flaws as well. One thing about him, though is that he can get good production out of his offense with plugging in guys that may struggle in other schemes and he works well with what he has. That's a good trait. However, he could baffle you with playcalling at times and it seems like plays came in way too late too often, and didn't let the QB make calls at the line. If you are drafting a guy that has mobility and needs some development Roman wouldn't be a bad guy to have as OC, and I'd swap him out with Dennison in a heartbeat regardless of who the QB is. However, the Bills need to find someone better than both Roman and Dennison.
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