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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. Crazy day. I thought Super Bowls in future. Then first year of biscuit and how he came off the edge like a lion and put pressure on the QB almost at will only to very seldom get a sack. A harbinger of what was to come in 1990 91 92 93
  2. How many times do the players need to lose in the courts before they give up and stop wasting NFLPA money? They gave the right to the commish to dole out penaties in the cba. Case closed.
  3. Yeah that one carry back in 2017 has a better history at least....lol.
  4. yes I have been asking for this since the unveil. I was first to call it a mullet. They downsized the logo 15% when they went with current helmet change. In meantime a navy stripe outside the helmet logo outside the white would math up the colors stripes in the uniform style better than current logo. The navy would go completely outside logo all the way around. Outside the current white or clear part there now that blends into helmet white. This would increase the visual size of the logo may 10%. Like Lions new helmet logo has an outside strip same color as logo. Makes it pop out a lot more. Check it out.
  5. This does not mean anything. Beano and McDerma say one thing and do the opposite. he said they were not shopping Dareous or Sammy said they had no plans for more trades coming up to this deadline and Boom they do the biggest and had looked into M Bryant from Pitt also. The McDerma list is too long to type.
  6. winner. that team drafts a guy next year and keeps Kizer as b/u or bridge and never looks back.
  7. congrats even a mouse finds a hidden piece of cheese now and again. I don't think there is a big conspiracy going on but officials are prone to favor the Pats for reasons unexplained. Be if Kraft Bellycheck Brady influence complaining and officials cowering. Offensive PI and pick plays are the worst offenses the officials let them get away with. Pats invented the TE push off and those pick plays. The no contact call against Chargers trumps all the others as by far the worst ever. Chargers never touched anyone. Pats ran into themselves. Worse than the "just give it to them game"
  8. $200 for a cookbook? WTF. Is that for a recipe to safely cook meth.?
  9. Holy crap that is even a choice?......lol This one is only on NFL Network. An exclusive NFL Network game.
  10. Denver man they can't take the altitude in KC.
  11. History man. It just is not all that accurate. I hear ya. Like the myth that Matt Cassel tenure with Bills ended in a rogue trade by Whaley. He got hit in the back of the head by a trailing defender softer than my young kid hits my 55+ yr old head every day several times with no concussion, stars, or dizziness.
  12. They resigned Banyard 10-28-17 to the 53. They should get him or T Jones some meaningful carries before they are needed for heavy duty.
  13. yeah this click bait news cycle we live in is a joke. What's next? every time a human goes in for surgery for 1st time with general anesthesia the headline will read: John Doe heading into surgery that he may never wake up from. or John Doe heading into surgery he may not survive. both would be accurate.
  14. Crazy. Makes me gag. Just like Penn State boosters where known to do. yeah I went there. Sorry.
  15. Man alive Cheats fan. You just can't let it go. Why don't you get back to the Cheats mess board.
  16. Silver lining of Dareous trade is Bills really have no cap room to absorb a Glenn trade now this year. Looks like Bills are "stuck" with him in spite of seemingly not wanting him and his All Pro level of play. Bills run game has impressed since he rounded back in form. That little juxtaposition could be a big factor if Bills make playoffs or not. Ironic.
  17. Think "Ickey Woods shuffle" when they penalized him for doing it in end zone so he moved it to behind players bench in front of fans and was allowed to do it there.
  18. No because they are off the field in the player sideline area not delaying the game. IMO. Of course if Walt Coleman was there he would have thrown 2 flags and tossed out a couple Bills who were inactive on sideline celebrating., and looked for Jerry Hughes to throw another flag just for fun.
  19. Yeah I did not catch that live. Tate got up in McDerma's mug starting the celebration. Cool. I wonder what he said. "is that good enough?" "put me in coach" "process me"
  20. Finally people are talking about fun and cool things happening in NFL with celebrations allowed and players having some fun when things go well like after Tate big play. then some fan has to go negative, yet likes a Denver celebration? WTF. what's next you want to ban the Lambeau leap?
  21. Yeah and 40 more to Milano and 30 to Elston.........lol lol payback for last yr Bills meltdown.
  22. I agree with you, lets get back to sports. Except fly overs. I like them. Really cool. And to all the naysayers complaining it is military money poorly spent. It counts as training for those flyboys who must accumulate hours for ratings anyway etc etc... so no harm.
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