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  1. I saw a talking head mention how Po was old slow and late. These types of hits/plays are all he has left... old, slow and late. He's fortunate to avoid the dirty player tag.
  2. I remember Coach commented on this early in the season. He basically said they trust Hamlin more, he's been here longer understands the system and is making the calls for the secondary. Something to the effect of a learning curve installing Edwards in the same roll etc. McD knows what he wants in his DB's and he has a pretty good track record there.
  3. I'd wager his agent advised him against redoing his contract with the Texans. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when they speak/spoke after the injury. 🤔
  4. I bet he's glad he redid his contract now. Hard to get the kind of contract he wants coming off an acl injury. If thats what it is.
  5. I can't ever recall rooting for the Patriots and enjoying it as much as I did yesterday. Jacoby put together a really nice drive to win this one. +1 Rodgers is cancer for the Jets. Idk why I find it soo amusing, but I do! Go Bills!
  6. Poor guy can't even have enjoy gameday with his team. Go to the corner and find something to complain about this team!
  7. Diggs was one of the most unlikeable players to ever wear a Bills uniform. This guy caused drama on a team that was on the cusp of a superbowl (minus a dropped pass) because he thought he was bigger than the team. He threw shade @ Josh the 1st chance he got and really tried to imply that he was the reason for Josh's success. He even states openly that he's not a guy to take the high road, I just don't understand the ❤️ people give him here. If Diggs went anywhere else but buffalo after Minny he'd not have had the success he enjoyed here. Im not saying he was not good, Im saying he's grossly overrated and just don't understand the fondness people here have for him.
  8. IDK, I already feel like he's a huge upgrade over Gabe in his short time here. Not to bash on a guy, but just feels like he brings more to the table.
  9. I dont know all the cap ramifications for shipping Von out, but I'd do that if possible. I also feel like Elam could use a fresh start. I wonder if either or both of these guys could be used in a B. Baker or Garrett deal.
  10. I prefer watching games @ home with my wife & 16 year old son. Listening to grown a$$ men drone on about their fantasy teams is painful. *ducks* I do however like the manning cast and the rotating guests. I like listening to knowledgeable folks talk about the game at hand and provide insight about plays, players, history etc. I enjoyed the Belichick Manningcast.
  11. I laughed when he made the yardage comment about the HoF. He could get the additional 4000yards and he'd still not warrant the HoF. He's been a very good WR, but thats it. He'll be remembered as just another good WR of his era. He's never been a game changer or game breaker and he's done nothing special to be remembered by. He really has no major milestones or achievements that others before him have not had. His Minnesota miracle aint gonna cut it, and he's running out of time.
  12. Create factually incorrect thread to support chosen narrative, get destroyed, go MIA. Watching Bills games with the OP must be fun!
  13. One of the most unllikable players to wear a Bills uniform. Buh Bye!
  14. Alpha is gonna Alpha, and beta is gonna beta. JA17, Alpha Male.
  15. I would just add that this made his offense more... reactionary, as opposed to one that dictates and more heavily schemes what it wants to do.
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