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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. No, I saw it also. That "should" have been the call. Instead they call holding on the Bills during a running play. Refs were really bad, think I've seen a handful of games where the refs actually called a good fair game. It'slike they get worse every season.
  2. Hope to have Ty back for the Steelers. You know they are going to play D similar to the way the Ravens did and bring the heat. Hope the Oline and Josh are going to be ready for it.
  3. Hope Ty is back for the Pitt game. Really really hope.
  4. Steelers won today also. Hopefully they can go into Heinz Field and come away with a victory. This game is pretty big. 9-4vs8-5. I assume the loser drops to the 6th seed. (Steelers already 6th) Maybe titains jump ahead if they lose. If Bills lose they drop to 6th seed.
  5. I'd argue Russel Wilson but I think it will come down between those 2.
  6. Steelers will likely use that same game plan against the Bills next Sunday. Hope the Oline is ready for it.
  7. I tell ya....it seems that somebody is always available to screw up a good drive in some fashion or form.
  8. Didn't the Ravens already release him though? Or told him he was free to explore free agency? Something along those lines, I may be mistaken.
  9. Exactly, and I believe coach Harbaugh and co is a much better coach that WILL NOT abandon the run in any case. So hopefully the Bills D can buckle down on it.
  10. If that's the case then, Allen will likely have Beasley to rely on or he may even get away himself racking up more rushing yards. In any event, it will be very interesting to see the way these 2 teams game plan against each other.
  11. Yes, the wind could be a factor though. But we all know Allen can zip it through the wind without problem. Hopefully the wind will be more of an issue for the Ravens rather than the Bills. Also if the wind is a problem, I wonder how much it will make the Bills think about going for 2 instead of kicking the XP after scores. Maybe even go for it more often on 4th as long as you're on a decent spot on the field.
  12. I agree about Singletary, but I have a feeling John Brown will put on a show as long as Allen has time. If the passing game is solid tomorrow I expect John Brown to put up some good numbers. If the Ravens concentrate on Brown too much though Beasley will be a big factor again. So hopefully, as far as the Bills side of the ball is concerned, hopefully Allen leads the way with a good game and the rest will fall into place.
  13. Yes, it will be interesting to see what type of defensive game plan they come up with to try and stop the Ravens. Sooner or later they will be figured out,hopefully it starts on Sunday.
  14. Nah, it's not a loss for anyone.It's really no big deal. If they want to look then they will look, if not then so what. It's not a "loss"by any means.
  15. So, it doesn't really matter man. You just kinda made it sound like "you" cover it. Kinda sounds a lil petty and attention seeking. JMO
  16. Yes and are the only team in NY. Very silly even asking a question like that when one hand you have the 9-3 Bills and the NJ Jets/Giants on the other.
  17. Gona have to look and see if this guy has an updated video yet after last night lol lol here it is....
  18. @Just Jack usually bumps the ref thread every week. Probably tomorrow or Saturday.
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