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Everything posted by Call_Of_Ktulu

  1. If you had to resign Sammy right now what would you pay him? For me he is not getting paid even close to the top 10 WR's in the NFL.
  2. If we had a QB I would say Bills but the Sabers at least have some young talent and Jack so I'll go with the Sabers. I think the Sabers are a goalie and good forward away from making the playoffs every year.
  3. I like to watch the defense play, can I just watch the defense and take the offense off this year? I'll watch bowling when Taylor and the offense take the field then I'll turn the game back on after the 3&out and watch the defense. Breaking news, Taylor was Tebowing at a railroad crossing and lost his arms. Expectations are still the same for the quick footed armless QB.
  4. I see 2-6 with both wins coming from the Jets. Taylor is benched and then the true rebuild begins.
  5. It took you all the way to that Jets game to realize that EJ was that bad? Don't get me wrong I want the Bills to win as much as anyone but after this much losing I'm in my prove it mode. Show me the money. I have no optimism for this upcoming season, this schedule looks brutal and this might be the best Patriots roster that we will see.
  6. To me it's not about defense, like I said before their may only be 2 or 3 defenses that can stop the passing attack with the way the rules are right now. It's 80% on the QB's. If we start out 1-4 do you think we should keep Taylor as the starter if he is struggling after the bye. Im betting on us being 1-4 at the bye.
  7. TT fails late in games because he's forced to pass the football, TT cannot carry a offense by passing the football.
  8. We may be a top 5 team at running the football but our QB for some reason can't do play action.
  9. I've said it before and I'll say it again, their may be only 2 or 3 defenses that can stop the passing game in today's NFL and those defenses get torched against the top 10 passers. It's all about the QB's and we still don't have a top 15 passer.
  10. What I mean is no lead is safe with the way the passing game is setup, it's 80% on the QB if a team wins or looses. With the best RB in the NFL our QB should be having a field day and just tearing teams apart with play action passing. I never see TT audible into a play that is advantageous to the offense, I think TT looks stumped out there when the defense gives him different looks. Dark Prescott led the NFL is play action pass completions in the NFL as a rookie with Elliott, I just don't think TT has the ability we need passing the football to take this team to the playoffs.
  11. The super bowl showed me a lot about why we will never make the playoffs with Taylor. The way the rules are setup in the NFL you need to have an elite defense to even attempt to slow down the passing game. Even the 2 or 3 elite defense still struggle against the top 15 passing offenses. We saw the Falcons torch the Patriots in the 1st half and the Patriots torch the Falcons in the second half. With Taylor leading this offense we have no chance against the top 15 passing offenses in the NFL, it's all on the QB now to keep scoring and win the game in crunch time and that is not what TT does. In the Raiders game last year Taylor got the Bills out to a solid 1st half lead and then Carr started to heat up. TT had his chances to respond offensively but I believe he threw a pick and went 3 and out on two more drives. The point is I saw Carr respond and keep the pressure on with his passing while TT went into a shell and could not respond with any passing offense.
  12. Agreed, I think most people know he can't carry a team offensively on his shoulders. With some of the hits that he took last season he was extremely lucky not to miss time. This offense is very luck that we have the best RB in the NFL, because without Shady Taylor will be forced to pass the ball more with timing and accuracy.
  13. This is the worst list ever, they will need to make a new one when he is cut. I would take Jimmy G over Taylor right now, does that put TT on the useful stand in list?
  14. Hope she has a great B-Day, WOW!!!!!!! What a beautiful owner.
  15. The women will just poke holes in them, the players like Travis Henry are that stupid.
  16. This team feels like it will improve in every area except QB. The talent we have at QB will be our limiting factor of why we don't make the playoffs. I don't see TT excelling in this offence. I'm not expecting big things this year but I do expect to see an improved defense and a better coached team overall. I think Taylor will be gone after this year but at least we are in good shape to make a move on a QB next year.
  17. We don't have a Reed, Lofton or Kelly. We have TT that can only see 1/4 of the football field.
  18. I like the new staff and everything that has gone down. Things are looking up but it's going to take a few years and some growing pains.
  19. I just don't think Taylor is a good enough passer to carry a average team talent wise to a wildcard. To even think playoffs with Taylor we would need the Seahawks defense and the Rams offense of the 90's. I really think Taylor is gone after this year.
  20. Brandon Reilly from Nebraska, has size, speed, route running and good hands. I think he will make the team.
  21. TT can't even audible, how the hell is he going to play better in a system that puts more weight on his shoulders as a passer.. Brady goes through 3 reads and sometimes more before he gets the ball out. I can honestly say I have never seen TT do more than 2 and get the ball to his target.
  22. I think Marcell can be the best DT to ever play in the NFL, he just has to want it. He is at his crossroads in Buffalo right now, if he gets suspended he needs to be traded or released. I hope he chooses football and he gets his life in order because he could be one of the greatest of all time.
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