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Everything posted by Mrbojanglezs

  1. NFL doesn't allow streaming on third party radio phone apps. You need a real radio
  2. define terrible. What if he makes a bunch of good throws moves the sticks 250 + yards but throws an interception or two in a key situation?
  3. Good time to post this from eagles preseason game. Peterman made some great throws https://youtu.be/aKduBp70kJg
  4. This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. No wonder ESPN is going under.
  5. may have played into the decision of doing it this week instead of giving Tyrod one more shot, but I doubt that they go back to Tyrod unless Peterman is just awful.
  6. Whats the point Beaner will just trade him away for pennies in 3 years
  7. LOL WOW. We didn't hold the Saints to crap they just chose not to throw because they were running on us at will for a franchise record 6 rushing TDs. Hope this was a sarcasm thread
  8. Its not over but the next 3 weeks will tell us if it is nor not.
  9. McD sticking with Tyrod because simply "He is our starter" Doesn't he have to keep earning that starting job Sean or do we just give out starting positions willy nilly.
  10. Coaches like Tyrod, especially defensive minded ones like Rex and McD, because he doesn't turn the ball over.
  11. No Peterman throws the ball in 2 seconds he will be fine
  12. I just think Tyrod needs to be benched and something needs to be figured out on defense.
  13. McD just said Tyrod is his starter. Another coach going down in flames with Tyrod
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