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Starr Almighty

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Everything posted by Starr Almighty

  1. I hate Cam always have. But let's not forget he was throwing the rock to grocery baggers all season. Is he a good QB? NOPE. Is he at bad as he looked this season? I'm not so sure sure to nothing on offense. All that said I'm happy him and the Pats looked the way they did all season.
  2. I think the Bills play the Browns game 1 and then the Titans game 2
  3. https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2020/12/josh-allen-optimistic-cole-beasley-can-return-for-playoffs-for-bills.html Josh isn't talking like 🐝🐝 is done
  4. Don't be childish. And here you go enjoy https://giphy.com/gifs/0YpNPuw31zkXeU6UDB 😂😂😂😂😂
  5. He was in the crowd cheering when the plane landed since he's not allowed on the actual plane😂
  6. Did you know Demetrius Bell is the son of Karl Malone and Karl denies him?
  7. Is he a douche for constantly getting burned on the Bills then looking around for a teammate to blame every single time he got beat? Asking for a friend
  8. Sign Sam "Ghosts" Darnold to be Josh's backup 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. The bills made the blueprint the titans followed their lead
  10. $500 doesn't get you into some regular season games out of Buffalo
  11. If Ford were to shower would you still do it? Even if he smelled fresh and clean?
  12. I think it's pretty funny. Only thing that bothers me a bit is that Ralph passed and they did that to his memory at the stadium, otherwise it's pretty funny and they didn't actually damage the statue.
  13. If allen goes under center it's always a run. If I'm seeing this so are the cards
  14. Once we sign every player that was on the Panthers when Mcd and beans were there it'll end. Plus most of the guys are getting older so we are almost there. Still gotta sign cam next year tho as a backup cause Panthers 🤷🏻‍♂️
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