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Chicken Boo

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Everything posted by Chicken Boo

  1. Little damage, my ass. No matter the reaction, he felt that ****, physically and mentally.
  2. In my opinion, the 2 worst 1st round prospects in the draft. Jackson is a 1-read QB and Mayfield might as well be Manziel part deux. After passing on a guy like Watson, I can guarantee you McBeane isn't interested in Lamar or Baker.
  3. We all know how this is going to go down. Tyrod and his 187 yards per game won't cut it.
  4. Flacco is the equivalent of a shot fighter. He doesn't even take chances anymore.
  5. Half.of these guys are going to have CTE by the time their careers are over. Let them have fun. On a side note; if this kind of stuff bothers you, it says a lot about you as a person.
  6. When Tyrod wins 2 Super Bowls for the Bills, I'll be more than forgiving of his win-loss record.
  7. You say that as if 20-18 is some amazing feat. Vince Young is 31-19 as a starter.
  8. Because everything is linear in the NFL? Cousins > Taylor. Anyone who can't see that needs to find a new sport to watch.
  9. Lamar Jackson is a supreme talent. A damn good fotball player, but he is not an NFL QB. As far as playing the QB position, he is nowhere near the level of Watson and there is nothing that suggests it.
  10. I'm thoroughly impressed by this board. Rosen is the right answer. Want nothing to do with Darnold, Jackson or Mayfield. NOTHING!
  11. You know...Tyrod would play a lot better if Dennison wasn't insistent on making him a traditional pocket passer. Anthony Lynn was smart enough to tailor the offense to Tyrod's strengths. Dennison seems unwilling to do that.
  12. This game, as awful as Peterman was, doesn't excuse Tyrod's poor play. It doesn't magically make Taylor a good QB. He's still the guy who threw for 56 yards last week, still the guy who holds on to the ball far too long and still the guy averaging 187 yards/game in 2017.
  13. Go ahead and put him in and watch the offense continue to struggle like it has been for weeks. The reality of the situation is that the Bills do not have a QB worth starting.
  14. My expectations aren't high. I don't expect Nate to light it up, and over time I fully expect him turn the ball over more than Tyrod, as I expect Peterman will push the ball downfield and take more risks. I'll take that all day over no-risk, checkdown football.
  15. I was told his game wouldn't translate because of this stupid metric.
  16. I guarantee you Matthews, Benjamin, Clay, Zay and Thompson aren't complaining.
  17. I take back every bad thing I said about Sean I'm the last 4 days. He gets it! We have ourselves a coach, ladies and gentlemen.
  18. He doesn't have to care what we think. We're right, he (so far) is wrong. He'll reach that conclusion in due time.
  19. St. Louis Rams value - $1.45 billion L.A. Rams value - $2.9 billion Purely because of location. What more incentive does one need?
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