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Everything posted by co_springs_billsfan

  1. Bills are treating Vikings like a bye week, resting any one with the slightest injury.
  2. I think there big story here is the inaccuracy displayed on that INT
  3. So are you saying get to the line quick so Daboll can help Allen diagnose the defense up until the 10 second mark?
  4. I think there were quotes from McDermott in the article, so it seems he may have spoken to him not so secretly. Unless those quotes came from some previous article or press conference that I missed.
  5. I locked in the Rams this week (2). Then I saw they were the biggest favorite. I don't think "saving" a team for later in the season is wise when the season is so young - so few teams are consistently good from one year to the next, better to see how teams start to look before taking "riskier" picks IMO.
  6. Kelvin Benjamin will be cut. 7 targets, 1 catch for 10 yards.
  7. Ham, Pineapple, and Jalapeno, thin crust, dipped in ranch.
  8. First thing I do is move into Russ' old office. Then spend the entire day looking for the hidden button that opens the secret "50 shades of grey" room.
  9. I heard we picked up some kid from the Cowboys, Something Chandler. We better not drop him though or the Pats* get will get him. Also, *golf reference/jack Nicholson/gloves* (Did I hit all the angles?)
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