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Everything posted by co_springs_billsfan

  1. I don't remember the details of it. I remember him losing yards for the Bills and now he's selling gross looking Wendy's food
  2. Which is why the Pats* are regarded so highly despite all the cheating, while certain college programs have had to vacate wins/championships (USC)
  3. Only thing I can say is maybe it's reverse psychology...? Otherwise I question why one would even watch the games, let alone seek out and post to a message board.
  4. I'm sure it was just your normal everyday destruction of cell phone type of situation.
  5. Haven't verified this but I thought they (Miami docs) had the final word
  6. Oliver being broke could mean he is more likely to be desperate for some quick cash. Beane with the team-friendly extension incoming...
  7. Shouldn't be any turbulence issues in the vicinity of Florida ...
  8. Yeah just picked up on it as I reread the original tweet. Dang blue checkmark tricked me into thinking news was being reported initially.
  9. Reading the comments, 90% of replies aren't buying it
  10. Yeah.... but he was part of the coverup (or the ringleader of it) on sunday Edit: I hope Tua fully recovers, no lasting effects. But naive to put all the blame on the dolphins/doctors
  11. If you happen to be in the Springs Back East Bar and Grill on Briar Village (they have/had a couple locations) is full of Bills fans. Olympic Museum is just "okay", and the Air Force Academy is cool to see (not sure of access these days). Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is a pretty cool/unique zoo on the side of a mountain, has great views. I toured the Olympic Training Center about 15 years ago and that was awesome - not sure of access these days. Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak are definitely the biggest draws in town which you've already got on your list
  12. As Bills fans we really need to lay off the Dolphins and Tua here. None of us has given Tua a medical exam. And it's not like the Dolphins have any recent history circumventing the NFL's rules
  13. There it is - going 65 in a 45. Not all 45 zones are created equal so hard to know if that is reckless, but it is almost 50% faster than the speed limit (44.44%). https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34690178/ohio-state-highway-patrol-issues-citation-myles-garrett-says-cleveland-browns-star-drove-unsafe-speed-crash
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