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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. Will be here already in a matter of weeks. Do you get a lot of trick or treaters where you live? Back in the 90's where I used to live we would get swamped with them but less and less each year. I think it's because things are more catered and people are more and more afraid of who could be answering the door so to speak. Mischief night as well. It used to be popular but nobody's done anything for years where I live.
  2. Can't argue against his case on the wall with everything presented
  3. RIP. Learning to Fly was my favorite song He had some good videos back in the day when MTV was still decent
  4. The Twins couldnt beat the Yankees if their actual lives depended on it. Even if I was the starting pitcher tonight for the Yanks the Twins still wouldn't win
  5. I think you mean the Dolphins, we played the Giants in 15 In retrospect what happened in 11? The team just got more exposed as the year went on
  6. Part of me was almost hoping they'd get a quick TD so there would be enough time on the clock to kick a game winning field goal. I mean Haushka's been killing it of late with these 55 plus yarders. I have confidence in him
  7. Actually 1995 was. Last time we played them we lost to them in Toronto back in 13
  8. The day we beat the Pats and started 3-0 that year. The only other game that comes to mind that rivals in terms of excitement is the Packers game in 2014. There's still a long road ahead but this one just felt really good.
  9. It still looks like we're the Rodney Dangerfield of the NFL. On NFL.com the Pats losing is the main story. You'd think the Bills should be like 1.5 point favs. Whatever though, if they keep going under the radar and winning I'm not complaining
  10. Anyone catch the end to todays Jets game? Poz got an unsportsmanlike penalty that set up the Jets game winner. Let's see Patriots & Jaguars lose today. The Bills win and are in first place. Not a bad day at all!
  11. Today was awesome and wonderful! Having said that I think I have to wait until Week 8 to get really pumped up. In 2008 & 2011 we were 4-1, even last year we were 4-2 to start. We know how those years wound up. Nonetheless this is still super awesome. Go Bills
  12. There's been so many calls against the Bills over the years where even if it was defensive holding, they deserve a break every year or so.
  13. Could be the best Sunday as a Bills fan since Week 3 of 2011. It's still a long season to go but today fu king rocked!!!
  14. Wouldn't surprise me to see them win today but lose to the Bengals next week
  15. Yep I still don't think the Jets really recovered from this one. I know this game was absolutely meaningless but it still felt good to beat the Cowboys Week 16 in 2015.
  16. People may just be too thinned skin or dense to accept bullying still happens. Because there's all sorts of campaigns to stop bullying means it must not exist in their heads...
  17. Enjoyed seeing the Eagles win that game but couldn't help think they beat the Giants on a 61 yard field goal with time expired. 14 more yards then a certain kick
  18. Yes very unfortunately. Besides the painful fumbles that game felt like an away game too.
  19. I read about a new Netflix documentary that detailed Jim Carreys method attempts of playing Andy Kaufman in Man On The Moon. Are there any Kaufman fans here? I always thought he was an interesting and original person
  20. Such a great win today then I just caught the Pats ending. Not gonna let it drag me down
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