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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. I'll go with the Jags. On the flip side though there's some silver lining if the Pats crush them Either way not watching any of it
  2. Well how much of these long term contracts Sandy really gets to decide? I tend to think there's a lot of pass the buck down to him within the organization
  3. It looks like at least for himself he made the right choice over the long haul by leaving here. I mean I think he was kinda miserable here. Still he definitely should have handled leaving better. Maybe not the same scenario but it's like leaving your job giving 2 days notice and just texting everyone your decision.
  4. Steelers and Patriots fans are just some of the worst entitled fans out there.
  5. He has a much stronger personality then Bradley did so I think that helps a lot as unpleasant as he may be
  6. True. But by the same logic Rex was given a good team and defense to work with here and ruined it. Not saying he's an amazing coach but he does get some credit
  7. Some proof he wasn't always a lost cause here
  8. If this sort of thing happened anywhere outside of a football game I would agree it's dead wrong and the Jags player would have my full sympathies. It's football though, a violent and intense sport. Can't read more into it then what it is.
  9. Sorry to take this off topic but did anyone read the stories of the plane ride after they beat the Astros in Game 6 back in 86? Davey got the bill for the damage and ripped it up in front of the team lol. Couldn't help but think of all the Bills fans waiting for the team coming back from Miami to greet them. When the Mets got back to the airport all the fans saw them looking like a mess back then. Just different times
  10. Didn't even bother putting it on. After the Bills touchdown and fourth down stop reversals the last time they played them, I just can't...
  11. Just reading through these posts now as it nauseates me just the sight of watching the Patriots in the playoffs now. Was never so disgusted watching NFL games after our last meeting with them. Still though was slightly curious how the game was going. What a shocker, the refs are helping them.
  12. Yeah David's contract is one of the worst I can think of. He's always been a loyal and classy guy but enough's enough.
  13. His first year he actually showed some promise. It was all downhill though after that. As indicated he was a good guy and his struggles were never for lack of effort
  14. Well I think we may have gotten the initial ideas for the K Gun offense after you guys
  15. The local bakery always has a help wanted sign on it. My issue would be I'd be too tempted to eat everything
  16. Old school Philly Eagles and Denver Broncos. Of course behind the Bills though
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