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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. I believe Cody Ford will be the Madden Cover this year
  2. you are assuming the Texans are a smart well run organization that doesnt operate out of spite. A dumb org may say, hey this makes him untradeable and he comes back, then it gets swept under the rug..... not saying its what happened, but that is actually quite possible with rich mother ***** with a lot of money on the line
  3. all day, my grandmother used to throw the foam brick at the TV. Devout catholic woman, but the words that would come out of her mouth during games...lmao my mom and step dad, sisters all die hard fans. In fact, we still try to get together every week to watch the games now that we are all (mostly) down here in Fl together
  4. I hyped up Edwards, JP, and EJ to countless people because I Billieve...... 20 years of wearing gear in public being a known Bills fan and still defending them like they were SB bound soon My son, born in 2005, a FAITHFUL Bills Fan even when we stunk (wore the jerseys to school) finally sees why and is loving the last 3 few years. We sat through the Peterman game at Obriens...does that count?
  5. I have sources though! Dunkirk Don and Mykidsdad will vouch for the source as well on a serious note, they do! I Trust Beane, I also think Josh is a big picture guy and we all will be very happy for Josh and the team once a deal is done
  6. Josh will sign for the vet minimum for the next ten years. I have sources. Book it!
  7. naked, while wearing crocs is really the only way to be a gentleman about it
  8. the cap is a legit issue THIS year. Let me also clarify, i like what Beane has done this year and every year. Also, he got Mitch on a GREAT deal for us.
  9. Agree 100%, I do believe in Beane he has done a great job. However, Id like to see the numbers and my response was in regard to someone asking why we care about the money. Theres a valid reason, I want all the players to get paid, so its not about OMG he makes sooo much...its more about looking at how we spend so that we get the most for our "cap" dollars.....and this is a message board so its okay to discuss these things as that does NOT mean I have no faith in Beane..
  10. thats why it matters, money is limited with this years cap. So how we allocate our resources is important as each move affects the others and what can and cant be done I like MT as a back up, however I also hope we didnt spend very much to do it...
  11. If Beane got anything less than a 3rd round pick I will be disgusted with his weak negotiating abilities!
  12. spot on my man. I feel the exact same way. There is soooo much more we dont know than we know, and that is why an open mind is key. He has 2 other follow up books as well. I am enjoying it so far, it is certainly an interesting read
  13. I as well, open minded, but aware that 90% or more of it is BS...its the small percentage Im curious about....such as mediums, haunted locations etc...... Again, this is because I have experience and seen odd things myself, not second or third hand that really opened my mind to the possibility there is soooo much we do not truly understand The CIA for example, has had some interesting programs. Astral Projection, remote viewing things of that nature. https://www.vice.com/en/article/pad4a9/the-us-army-funded-astral-projection-and-hypnosis-research-in-the-80s https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/apr/25/how-to-remote-view/ Theres more with a quick search, some good some looks like garbage. Just find it interesting, the govt has not dismissed it without looking into it. Was it succesful? If it was, they sure wouldnt tell us, so hard to say
  14. I am 100% in agreement with this! Im currently starting to read Journey of Souls by Michael Newton PH.D.. Im a St joes alumni as well, class of 96. This book was actualyl recommended to me by the medium I saw, among others It reallyu is fascinating, I am a very logical person, I have a career in sales, so I see through a lot of BS....I also have had some very strange and unexplainable things happen during my life that I have witnessed, so I do not rule out the possibility, in fact I KNOW there is a lot more about the universe and life itself than we understand collectively. Pyschic isnt the best term, its not about predicting the future, its about the veil between realities/dimensions being thin enough where they are able to see and communicate with loved ones and entities on "the other side". thats pretty cool
  15. the future is yet to be written, we have choices to make so it really wasnt about my future, things like that. It was more like advice regarding the future....it did dive into my past and I was told things I didnt even know that my mom was able to verify, which was freaky Heres an example, my grandfather when he arrived wanted the remote because hes the man. I was then told he enjoyed old shows like from the 650-70s, and he mentioned gunsmoke. Ok, didnt think anything of it. Come to find out, he had his entire family sit and watch gun smoke with him every week. WTF....I didnt even know that.....so its pretty freaky. My mom was like holy *****....mind blown
  16. Thank you. I had a reading done, and as a skeptic with an open mind, with a sales backround and understanding of how to fish for information and lead people, I must say, I came away just speechless. This man knew nothing but my first name, I didnt speak, he had no way to research me and the things he said were so spot on that he either is the best guesser in the world or there is more to it. Quite blown away by the experience And yes there is a lot of crap to weed through, but if 90% are con artists, that doesnt mean the other 10% are. That is why I am curious as to others that may have tried
  17. Curious as to if anyone in here has ever had a reading from a Psychic/medium? Would love to hear feedback from those that have, good or bad.
  18. how dare you, now people think its ok to throw chinese stars at kids. I just had to stop someone from doing it!
  19. that may well be the 4 Division champs next year
  20. Amazing post. Thank you for the solidarity and more importantly thank you for sharing that! We all have our battles, I have had mine. To hear what you survived, what you have become and the life you have been blessed to live with others is inspiring. I have battled with Depression on and off for a majority of my life, and 6 years ago I was at that point myself. Thankfully a friend and some police officers stepped in, and after a few day hospital visit, I was able to admit my short comings and create a plan to do something to change that. I have!! Every day I try to learn, and every day there are new lessons that seem to need to be taught to me. I am proud of the man I am, what I have achieved, the peace I have found and still search for when I wander, the people I have loved and helped and those that have helped me. I know the hole, I was in it so far I couldnt see any light. So is my avatar odd, sure, but it was meant to be funny and I appreciate you standing up for me in this society that misses the important things only to be outrages by stupid ***** that doesnt matter. Bills shredder, thank you!
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