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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. Of he can make it back for some or all the playoffs that would be awesome. It's something JJ Watt has done.... and he did have impact However only if he's healthy. No reason to mess your life up
  2. Sometimes! Depends on the buyer. Ha ha I wouldn't mind seeing either or both
  3. I mean we are facing Jacobi Brissett and Cleveland certainly is fielding a passing powerhouse, right?
  4. Bahahha no, but I am in sales just like him! Lol
  5. I think Klein gets on the field before Dodson I can't believe I'm even replying to this after I look up and see the screen name LeGOATski🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. That's a good point. If Edmund and Milano play, we have Klein, so I'd hope they use that group a bit more when Cleveland tries running down our throat That's a great question. I went to NFL.com to try and find that number/percentage, but couldn't. If anyone happens to have that, please add it. According to google it seems like we played nickel 90.3% of the time in 2021....that's all I could find
  7. This is for all the D-coordinators and critics. How much nickel do we play Sunday? Please feel free to add what formations and/or personal you would like to see Sunday. I'd also love to hear opinions on how much you think we will play AND how much you would like to see us play
  8. Since we all get to guess since he didn't really say anything... My guess is there are some coaches and/or players upset with Tre and it is something mental holding him out and that isnt sitting well others! That's my story and I'm sticking to it,.until something concrete is said by JW
  9. Yeah AB looks like an idiot. Brady seems to be sincere and is trying to be a friend. AB has clearly lost his mind
  10. He's practicing every day. Maybe he doesn't want to be a liability and he just doesn't feel he is ready based on how things are going in practice?
  11. I always hoping for that play to be called or audibled to as soon as they got the ball back. same formation, 3 options, run, pass, throw away. Just no pick, and if a safety happens it happens as long as no pick Then they ran it up
  12. Im with the crowd puking. I think josh and co may be as well. So many WTF moments by all. But man we are just hurting in the secondary
  13. Good news! I hope he is ready to go
  14. Allg good points. You're right there a thousand possibilities as to what went down, it seems one thing that might be certain is something did go down. I feel for Reich too. But that might just be because he will always be a buffalo bill to me and has a special place inany fans hearts. Of course it may just have been a big ***** show over there
  15. There is so much weird with this entire situation. Did Reich not want to be a lame duck coach, maybe some big time disagreements with irsay came to a head? All speculation but I'd have to say this is probably likely. then the interim coach. Wtf. How do your u sell this to the team and staff? Why would Saturday agree to be a lame duck coach in this spot? Seems like a lose lose for him
  16. Look we have 1 day left to make t his happen, with how Wilson played we can DEFINITELY get him in a trade for Moss and a 5th. We need back up QB competition. Get it done Beane!
  17. We should have offered a 5th and Moss. Beane sleeping at the wheel
  18. During the draught it was hard to tell which posters were just pissed off and fed up and which were just trolls. Now that we are an elite TEAM, it's much easier to tell the difference
  19. This reminds me of the classic nature vs nurture argument. And like that argument, it's not one or the other, it's both
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