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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. The most trusted returner on the roster is Hyde. He did it quite a bit last year and I bet it is him and Breida. Those two warmed up with kicks in New Orleans
  2. Dude is a fast guy. Returned punts for VT and only scratching the surface on his ability. I liked him a lot at VT but not sure where his ceiling is. I think McDermott could get a lot out of him.
  3. Even though he didn't do much he still had to be gameplanned for. Also you cherrypicked one person out of three.
  4. The only thing that will improve it right now is a run stuffer like Star. The defense is solid
  5. Why does the fact that TN beat the Colts twice mean we can't make the playoffs? Colts are going strong right now. We are obviously are struggling with bust you in the mouth running on defense. Show me a team left like that. The Jags and Steelers games we didn't come to play at all but the Titans and Colts losses played to our biggest weakness especially with us missing the middle of our defense.
  6. There is no starting RB on this team and the other problem is the interior line is a mess. Brieda might help with outside runs but seriously he is not a pro bowler.
  7. The question is whether they can figure out the run. I don't see a running back on the schedule that really scares me but I know the Pats will run regardless. Is this the Titans game from last year where they will go on a run or the beginning of the end. Colts are a playoff team that pounded us in the middle without our starting MLB and our big DT run stuffer. The turnovers we need to figure out but I don't think this will happen again against any team left
  8. That's a lot to ask any offense. Getting in a hole 24-7 and expecting everything to go right. There is probably only a couple teams in the league that you would be optimistic about that type of comeback.
  9. Running the ball didn't hurt us Sunday, it was lack of stopping the run and only three drives in the first half
  10. I think Spencer Brown and Greg Rousseau were some solid players this year. We need interior players not necessarily linemen. It seems like everyone complained about the pass rush last year and it was addressed.
  11. I'm sorry guys Brieda is not a starter in this league. He is fast but not reliable. They were hoping for a bruising back which is why they are pushing Moss. If Brieda is the starter going forward we are in huge trouble
  12. Except they are beating good teams and losing to teams by less than a score
  13. On the bright side this team is actually made for a comeback like this. We need 3 and outs
  14. No doubt Feliciano if healthy starts. He brings energy.
  15. Spencer Brown made a difference and Mongo disappearing was a loss. I was watching the Jags game and the three glaring weaknesses throughout were Ford's technic was awful and he was slow, Boettger was not strong enough to anchor so he needed help constantly and Williams was too slow for the speed rush. We fixed two of those by moving Williams back inside but we need a nasty Guard on the left interior that can anchor and knows proper technic. Bless Boettger for making the best of it but he will never be able to consistently start.
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