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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. I noticed Diggs ran a route yesterday that looked just like a beasley route, the defender stayed right with him though. I can't remember when exactly it was in the game
  2. Falcons almost won too. Matt Ryan ran it in for a td, only to get called back on taunting
  3. I hate this game for many reasons - I'm so tired of the constant pissing contest between bills and dolphins fans on Twitter I hate that our fate rests on beating the Dolphins (I don't care how many times we've beat them recently) I hate that our offense all of a sudden looks like they re hired Dorsey If we lose, it'll be very fitting for how this season has gone. We don't deserve to be in the playoffs if we can't beat the Dolphins Even if we do beat the Dolphins, my confidence in this offense lately is low. They've looked awful and don't know how far they'll get in the playoffs Sunday is my birthday and the bills could potentially ruin it
  4. Who is Baltimores backup qb? As stated already, a 3 week gap without playing is a long time in the nfl, especially for playoffs
  5. We can only hope. Let's hope it's not another 2004 situation
  6. So what's the scenario if kc and steelers win?
  7. Dang it, Cincinnati is actually gonna play today
  8. Miami has already clinched a playoff spot
  9. So uhhhh. Are we confident in the bills going into the playoffs?
  10. I want the bills to win the division and Miami to lose tomorrow, but I kinda hate playing for the division a week before the playoffs start.
  11. I highly doubt the jets are putting out 100% effort. 1 game left after this, would you be trying that hard?
  12. Might have to split screen the bills game with the Miami game. Gonna be tough not to watch Miami/Ravens
  13. Honestly had McDermott saw the writing on the wall with Dorsey sooner, I think we're 13-2 or 12-3 right now heading right for the one seed with Baltimore. It is what it is though
  14. Watching them yesterday, it's surprising the bills only beat them by 3
  15. Glad this is a home game. I think maybe it's close in the first half and then the bills pull away in the second
  16. Didn't help that the nfl put up those cameras by the end zone to encourage it
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