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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Yo. So did Joe Montana. QB Arm Strength doesn't win Super Bowls. Tom Brady won 3 championships on 5 yard slants. It takes a team, and a system. I'm not saying Peterman is ever going to be elite, but it won't be arm strength that holds his career back
  2. I think Peterman starts, McCarron gets traded to a team with an injury and Allen waits.
  3. yea, me with my facts and rationale and all, and you with a bunch of nondescript adjectives. Did someone leave the gas on?
  4. I don't know what "talent" you're referring to. I've never heard it described on these boards with the exception of a strong arm.
  5. What talent? Be specific. Everyone talks about talent and potential, but those are just empty words unless you say what they're talented in.
  6. Yes. Peterman has accuracy in line with traditional NFL success. Many, many , many players have had his level of accuracy and fall way short. it's not an indicator of success, but not having it is a strong metric that rules in favor of failure.
  7. My bad, I left a piece out. of Inaccurate college QBs or those below roughly 60%, that holds true. What also was interesting is that of all the big name franchise QBs over the last 30 years the overwhelming majority had pro completion % that was within 2-3% of their college careers. Favre and Moon were notable examples that went from wildly inaccurate to put up solid accuracy numbers, and even then Moon was below the curve. Allen has to make up 3 points just to get to serviceable.
  8. I've already said it 30 times across various threads. There is EXTREMELY limited historical evidence of inaccurate strong armed QBs being successful int he NFL. There are 2 "successful" QBs I've found over the last 35 years that raised their compeltion percentage rating by 3 or more points from college (Favre and Moon). The way they play the game - Allen is a traditional gunslinger that whips it down the field while staring down a receiver and hopes for the best (Favre, Cutler). Peterman is more of a gamer that moves around in and out of the pocket and looks for a play. If Peterman succeeds int he NFL I think he looks something like Fitz or Garcia. Most realistically, I think the Bills are drafting another 1rst round QB in 3 years.
  9. The way they play the game, historical success in the NFL and accuracy. I'm not for a second suggesting that Allen doesn't have a cannon for an arm, but I am suggesting that doesn't really matter in the NFL.
  10. Not really. I just like what Peterman offers. I can see him becoming a a guy you can win with. I think it's realistic he can succeed. On the other hand, everyone wants to talk about how great Allen is going to be, and I see no evidence that it's even possible based on his college career. He would have to have one of the largest jumps in completion percentage in NFL history in order to become serviceable, and he'd have to stay healthy, which is something else he cant seem to do. You're wrong here.
  11. Potential based on what? A big arm? The history of the NFL is littered with former Ricky Vaughan style prospects that never panned out - Russel, Boller, George, Cutler immediately come to mind. Accuracy and timing have been king of the NFL for 50 years. Guys that are deadly accurate seem to never be out of work in this league, even if they have other shortcomings
  12. If you think that's what Allen resembles you haven't been paying attention. His flaws are enormous and crucial to NFL level play. He isn't a prospect like Elway, Manning, etc. Can he overcome them? Sure why not. Close to no one has, outside of Favre and Moon.
  13. More or less, yea. Unfortunately Tyrod had some kind of shell shock where he wouldn't/couldn't use his deep ball effectively anymore. If he did that 2 times a game he'd still be here. Not making any mistakes may have been a tactic of his, because he knew he could always get work if he was safe with the footbal and could flash plays with his legs. It takes him from a one and done guy top someone that may play well into his 30s.
  14. I'm talking much more about scheme than talent. Tailor the offense to his strengths and hide his weaknesses. Some teams just put a QB in and ru8n whatever they want. The teams that have been successful with the Bulgers, Smiths, Penningtons, Garcias of the world let those guys do what they do best and not try to force them to be Elway. See: The Bills trying to Make JP Losman a west coast QB.
  15. Is he going to become 10x the QB he was the rest of his career with 2 weeks of training camp?
  16. I see a lot of Fitz in Peterman. Maybe he has a similar trajectory limited by a lack of elite physical gifts, maybe he's worse. I'm hoping if he can prove he belongs the Bills build around him like the Chiefs around Smith, Rams around Bulger, etc and give him a chance to exceed his on-paper potential.
  17. Paxton Lynch - Trevor Siemian. Just because they used a high pick on a kid doesn't mean they should have. They bought a complex project with some broken and missing pieces. I've got a garage full of those that never even left the box.
  18. I agree with you @BurpleBull I think this kid is going to rise to the top. I love the tenacity that he plays the game with, and the staff may view McCarron as too safe, coming off of Tyrod.I could see Peterman leading us back to the playoffs if he makes a couple plays a game.
  19. bell is 26. If he's willing to take a 4 year deal, you don't walk the contract to him, you fly a private jet to his driveway.
  20. The smart money is betting on buffalo to be the worst team in the league. I can't think of a roster in worse overall shape for this year. 2020 could be promising though.
  21. it does a bit, but that's ok. Over a long enough period of time everyone becomes that guy.
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