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Everything posted by GETTOTHE50

  1. i say ***** it. beane and the bills can work cap magic. dont give up a first though.
  2. love this song on LZII but its even better live here. check out immigrant song from these recordings too
  3. tony g is horrible. he called justin fields a happy meal lmao
  4. Terry McLaurin is one helluva player. Damn shame he’s being wasted in Washington
  5. Man I had hope for fields coming out. Wanted to see him succeed
  6. JA17 is going to go off this game. I can feel from out here in California how pissed off he is about last year.
  7. Brad Allen and Boger are my favorite refs. Brad Allen called the offensive PI on a two point conversion the colts (the snow game a couple years back) made that would have won them the game. They are both bills friendly refs
  8. still trying to figure out WHY THE ***** DIDNT THEY KICK THE EXTRA POINT
  9. Panthers going to be tanking hard for that #1 pick. That division is weak af with Tom Brady with one foot out the door every year. They gotta get that franchise QB at all costs. The NFC south looks a whole lot like the old AFC east. Tank and get ahead.
  10. Picker is overrated af and a B word. His best outcome is a tier two QB. He won’t ever come close to JA17s level.
  11. i find burrow insufferable, so im happy with the result.
  12. Super Bowl loss hangovers are a real thing. I imagine it’s something that’s always on the mind of any competitor. That’s a young bengals team too. They need seasoned vets (like a von Miller) to help them stay the course. but a super bowl loss can leave any locker room in shambles. Makes those 4 Super Bowls in a row absolutely remarkable. That team could give and take a beating.
  13. Steelers are throwing in the towel after their terrible performance
  14. Design it with a different player than Morris then
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