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Everything posted by Governor

  1. I find it hard to believe that Rudy voluntarily worked with Russian Intel and Oligarchs to try to influence a Presidential election without having a blanket pardon ready on Election Day.
  2. The real reason? It’s Republican guilt. They know they’ve misbehaved terribly and the only thing that makes them feel better is pretending to be a victim.
  3. Law and Order! When I read that they wanted Rudy’s son to run for Governor of NY, I knew it was trouble for Rudy and Donald.
  4. It was only a matter of time. He wouldn’t be out there lying and defending Donald if he wasn’t on his way to prison. He needed a pardon badly and I’m not sure if he got one.
  5. Yikes! Maybe it’s the heat? Brains being boiled? Hey, at least you don’t have to wear a mask while you’re being stabbed in the throat. Florida • Violent crime rate: 384.9 per 100,000 people • Total 2018 murders: 1,107 (3rd highest) • Imprisonment rate: 582 adults per 100,000 (14th highest) • Poverty rate: 13.6% (17th highest) • Most dangerous city: Florida City
  6. I lived there half of my life. 21 years. I lived North Tampa, South Tampa, East Tampa, West Tampa, Lake Mary north of Orlando, Gainesville, Sarasota, east of Sarasota in Lakewood Ranch. I moved there in 1995. I always wanted to move to Miami. Bay Harbor Islands to be exact.
  7. Yeah. That article is fun. You guys keep trying it down city by city comparison. The problem is that Florida has Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Ft. Myers, Ft. Lauderdale, Sarasota, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, etc. So as far as states go overall, it’s a total disaster. That’s a lot of dangerous cities all in 1 state.
  8. Camden isn’t really NJ. It’s a walking bridge away from Philly. Atlantic City is pretty crappy. That’s kinda considered Philly too. Nothing but Eagles jackets walking around there. Pretty gross. The difference in Florida is the “senseless” crimes. You can actually get killed for $20 in Florida because it’s so poor. That doesn’t happen in NJ unless it’s 2 homeless guys fighting in the street. It’s a totally different mentality.
  9. Nice! https://www.tampabay.com/florida/2019/06/28/5-reasons-florida-might-be-the-most-dangerous-state-in-the-country/
  10. Florida is a total #hi$@$%* and always has been. Go take a ride through West Palm Beach. I hear it’s lovely this time of year over by the old Citrus Bowl in Orlando. How about USF in Tampa? Nope, definitely won’t find any bodies dumped over there in Suitcase City. Lol.
  11. You guys can keep your violent crime! I’ll be here in my little safe-space in NJ. https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/
  12. Is it like that show The Shield? Love that show!
  13. As far as crime? Florida is WAY worse. Tampa and Orlando are a freaking war-zone. NJ is nothing. Boston I hear is bad. I’ve never been there. Not much going on in NJ.
  14. Philly has some high traffic spots. It’s out of control there. Camden has cleaned up a bit but I know what you mean. There’s a huge police presence there also. I always hated going to the E. Centre for concerts. I think Camden and Tampa might still hold the lead for cars being stolen. Not sure.
  15. Yeah. I know everything there is to know about Florida unfortunately. It’s really dangerous in those cities. When I was still in NC, I noticed that everyone’s cars were really loud. Well, turns out that people were cutting off catalytic converters and taking them to the scrap yard. LMAO.
  16. Where do you live? I can probably tell you the exact locations.
  17. Certain segments of the population were affected in different ways. I can tell you this, the traffic going into those areas drastically decreased during those months. Money wasn’t coming in like it normally does.
  18. Ok. Think back to March and when everything shut down. Think about all those millions of people that went on unemployment. Now think about the millions that couldn’t get unemployment. Think about all the gangs and drug dealers that rely on millions of people coming to purchase drugs every single day. That entire business came to a grinding halt. People are desperate. Of course crime is going to rise. Common sense.
  19. Do you guys want an honest “street level” breakdown of why crime has increased in the last year? I don’t want to scare anyone. Let me know.
  20. Our great leader is cleaning up your mess and will continue to do so for 7.5 more years. I feel like I’m talking to a bunch of old geezers that live in little gated, deed-restricted communities in Florida.
  21. The “uptick” in murders is from 1/3 of the country being unemployed from a pandemic. It isn’t from “lack of police.” It’s a trend. Crime goes up, crime goes down.
  22. There isn’t a lack of police. There’s already way too many police. It’s a boogeyman in your head. Stop living your life in fear. Turn off your talk radio.
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