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Everything posted by Governor

  1. I’m laughing more at the “advise” part. I’ve lived in 5 major cities. I’ve seen some really bad things. I’ve been robbed at gun point multiple times. I’ve seen people get stabbed. Florida is a total hell-hole. It’s by far the most dangerous state to live in.
  2. Taxes are the last thing you should be worried about. The HC system, cancer business, old folk’s homes, gets every last penny well before you die. You aren’t leaving anything to anyone other than your crusty old house that your kids don’t even want. You’re just giving your kids unnecessary work. Don’t get cute. “Gift” your money out when you turn 75 and be done with it.
  3. - getting advise not to go into certain neighborhoods anymore. LMAO.
  4. Big Daddy Biden about to lay the smack down on these tech companies. Don’t you snowflakes worry about that tho. Keep chasing social issues and playing victims while we make systemic changes.
  5. You seem kinda scared Snowflake. Yes, that’s what we need. More cops on the streets! People have lost their minds.
  6. We wouldn’t get a 2nd right now for Edmunds let alone a 1st.
  7. If Phillips makes it to the Ravens pick, I think it’s 50/50 they pass on him. That’s where we’d have to make our move. 20 is Bears pick, which I’ve been suspicious of the entire time. I think a deal might already be there to swap.
  8. The Mitch didn’t “choose” anything. That was an arranged wedding to send him to Jesus Camp to “fix” him. That was a favor.
  9. I wouldn’t rule out swapping 1st’s with Chicago. (20) Something felt “wink wink” about that whole Mitch trade/ordeal.
  10. So the Giants really need a RT. You have them taking one in the 3rd or later? Every mock I’ve seen has them taking a WR in the first. It seems pretty split between the fans.
  11. I guess I was assuming that any trade up for ETN would mean 7 out of 10 guys on our board were already gone and he was #8. Now I’m getting really nervous. There’s no way he could be that high on their board right? Lol.
  12. In this mock they don’t!!! LMAO. I do like the Bengals taking Pitts tho.
  13. I’ll throw myself in front of a train if we take ETN with Phillips still on the board. Didn’t we try to get JJ Watt? Isn’t Phillips a similar type player?
  14. I just don’t see much reason to bluff to get another guy to fall unless it’s someone that they really feel will go right before 30 or right before where we could trade up to.
  15. So we’ve been linked to ETN by like 3 or 4 people in just the last week or so. Ugh.
  16. The value chart says that each Pro Bowl is worth 13 picks, so if we trade Edmunds, that could get us to 4 to nab Pitts. I’ll show myself out....
  17. I think Harris gives us more game plan flexibility week by week. Not crazy about ETN.
  18. Carolina’s pick at 8 is as far as we could go unless ATL will trade out. Who would be the best player available at 8?
  19. Take a walk through NYC these days. You’ll notice thst no one is smoking. It wasn’t like that in the 90’s. It’s because they’re too expensive. Now, everyone still smokes in NC. It’s a tobacco state. Why? Because they’re only $6 a pack.
  20. Of course they did. They made them 12-20 dollars a pack. People decided that they’d rather use that money elsewhere and smoking dropped immediately. That’s how you change behaviors. Taxation. Chef Jim can still have a greasy burger but it will cost him 67 dollars. Over time, he will decide that the dopamine blast he gets from eating it isn’t worth 67 dollars and he’ll only do it occasionally.
  21. Personally, I think we need to annihilate the dairy industry before we tackle beef. That stuff is bad news and kills the most people and puts the biggest strain on the HC system. “Milk does the body good” might be the biggest lie ever told to the American people.
  22. Cigarettes are a bad example. Tobacco usage has dropped drastically over the last 10 years. We want people to consume less, not consume none.
  23. Just for the record, when I told you guys about “The war on fatties” I never said that it was in Biden’s infrastructure bill. I just said that legislation was already drawn up and ready to go at some point, meaning 5-7 years from now. Everyone acted like they had never heard the argument before. Will you be eating beef like you are now 10 years from now? NO. You absolutely won’t be.
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