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Everything posted by Governor

  1. The Obama administration is when Republicans learned that obstruction actually works in the end because voters don’t blame Congress, they blame the president. It’s not working now but I doubt they’ll change that strategy anytime soon. Whats interesting is the Child tax credit and PUA(Federal Pandemic unemployment.) That $600 number didn’t just appear out of nowhere. That’s $15 times 40 hours a week. That’s what Dems have been pushing. That program isn’t going to disappear after the pandemic. It can just be activated and expanded and there’s your framework for universal basic income if and when that’s needed. Same thing with tax credit. Just expand it. 2 huge wins for Democrats. Also, anyone on unemployment can now get Biden-care for free. Good luck taking that away from 20 million people.
  2. They fought him everything. His own party, Lieberman, Baucus, and the “blue dog” Dems killed the public option in Obamacare. R’s refused to appoint judges, stole a SC seat from him. They killed jobs training/intern program he wanted during the recovery. The list goes on and on. He wore a tan suit. They fought him on every single thing.
  3. The stimulus package that’s basically a huge grab-bag of past Dem proposals that never would’ve passed under the Obama administration. Expansion of Biden-care. infrastructure/jobs is about to sail through. Child tax credit, which is basically universal basic income. Voting right’s and student loan relief right before the mid-terms. He’s going to be done with domestic policy before the mid-terms even happen.
  4. This is going to be the longest day ever. I’ll probably fall asleep at pick 22.
  5. You’re a partisan hack. Go back to bed. LMAO.
  6. Have we all kicked this around and convinced ourselves that ETN would be a great pick? I’m still not feeling it. I hope the board gets shaken up and someone better falls and we ditch this idea.
  7. Every time I hear Joe and see these policies finally being passed, I always think of what Obama must think. Why is all of this so easy for Joe and they fought me on every little thing? Is it race, or is it just a unique time in history, or is it both?
  8. That sounds pretty fair. I didn’t hear McCarthy afterwards.
  9. What thst poll tells us is 15 percent like lead in our water systems and believe in Jewish space lasers.
  10. The fascists went to bed. Voting is closed. We won!
  11. I want to take your hamburders away and watch you scream just for my own enjoyment.
  12. The reason Trump was such a failure, other than being an idiot, is because he never pivoted to the center after he won. He actually moved more to the right. You can’t govern that way. He never had majority support. He was the first president to not break 50 percent approval in the history of polling. You can’t do that. You have to at least make an attempt at wooing the center. Biden never had to pivot. He a traditional liberal which basically is the center nowadays. He likes progressive causes but since he keeps it about jobs, he doesn’t scare anyone. Pretty simple strategy really. His team is good at messaging and reading the pulse of the nation. They’ve been much better than I anticipated.
  13. Politically, Joe is right where he needs to be on the issues and Republicans are on the wrong side of history. It’s too easy for him. He’s been saying these things for 40 years and now he finally gets to do all of those things. He’s very lucky. Opportunities like this don’t come often.
  14. This is easy for Joe. He’s a fit for this time. These are all things a president should’ve said in the 80’s and 90’s but never did. He keeps the focus on jobs and infrastructure. There isn’t much Republicans can do. They know he’s got a hold of the center and he’s not letting go.
  15. I can’t believe that guy is still walking around. He’s been wanted for years. I also can’t believe right wing media/Trumpers defend Russian/Ukrainian oligarchs. Everyone knows who these people are. They act like that Ukrainian ex-president is a political prisoner. Lol.
  16. I think B-man and his buddies were the reason why the political section on the main site was closed. They got into some spat. I wasn’t around and came back and it was gone!
  17. Oh Rudy. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2019/11/olivia-nuzzi-on-texting-with-rudy-giuliani-trumps-attorney.html?__twitter_impression=true
  18. My guess is that Sean Hannity pooped a little today. This is getting dangerously close to him and his finances.
  19. Well, he did butt-dial journalists and say crazy things that led to breaking stories. He’s definitely not the smartest guy out there. What’s funny is that he owns a cyber security company.
  20. B-man has been training these people to be right wing extremists for 20 years. He is the ring leader. He is Q. Lol.
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