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Everything posted by Governor

  1. But Covid did hit during Trump’s term. Are we supposed to erase all of Obama’s spending too because he inherited an economy in free-fall?
  2. You can start here. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-tax-code-helps-white-people-get-richer/ar-BB1fRrMx
  3. Oh no. He upset Donald. That’s not good. DeSantis ‘very wary’ of upsetting Trump. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/28/desantis-trump-gop-election-496367
  4. Can you point to the part in the article that says all of the people no longer on unemployment now have jobs? I can’t seem to find it. Maybe half of them? 2/3? 2/5? Cutting off unemployment benefits early is not pushing people to find work, data suggests. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/23/ending-unemployment-benefits-early-may-not-be-having-desired-effect.html
  5. Trump added 12 trillion to the debt, but it will be this infrastructure bill that puts us in danger? Nope.
  6. Many have said that the total is much higher, so it will be viewed much worse. It doesn’t matter if people had health issues, they still died of Covid. Trump’s legacy won’t improve over time mostly because he didn’t pass any meaningful legislation. There won’t be anything to point to as a success story 30 years from now. The guy never did anything. He started out bad, never grew into the job like most do, and ended worse. It was a total disaster. He also became very isolated in the job due to his bad performance, inability to hire and surround himself with good people, and lost touch with the American people, and reality in general. I can’t think of anyone that served in that administration that will be viewed favorably or go on to do great things. He started out with backups, and ended up with the practice squad. Maybe Christopher Wray? None come to mind. The only one that escaped with their career still intact was Nikki Haley. The rest will never come near any future WH administration ever again. He was also impeached twice, involved in multiple scandals, and lost in a landslide as an incumbent, which is pretty rare. He never broke 50 percent approval. You could argue that he didn’t even have 1 good full week during his term. He’s got a real shot at being viewed as the worst president in history. The history books certainly won’t be kind to him. Uncle Joe is the opposite. His legacy will improve over the years similar to Lyndon B. Johnson, barring some catastrophic event occurrence.
  7. Ok. 461,000 dead Americans then. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2021/02/11/trumps-policies-resulted-in-the-unnecessary-deaths-of-hundreds-of-thousands-of-americans-lancet-report/?sh=418c67ee77e8
  8. We finally started doing our family tree the other day. Some good, some not so good. My ancestors were mostly Jews and were clock/watch makers. If you knew my family you’d laugh at that. Of course they did!!!! My gf’s was the Governor of Hartford and purchased/stole land from the Indians which is now Guilford, Ct. We have that transaction in writing. Not a great deal for that tribe. That guy and his wife gave birth to the FIRST white son in the New Haven/Guilford area. We aren’t sure yet if they owned slaves after that. His name was William Leete. He basically ran and owned the entire coast of Ct. They were attacked by the Brits in the Revolutionary war but their militia fought them off. That area is now called Leete’s Island. Her grandparents always joked about ancestors coming over on the Mayflower. I guess they weren’t kidding! Another descendant was in the 39th infantry from NJ and was there when Robert E. Lee’s army surrendered Pretty interesting stuff.
  9. Trump never introduced a real infrastructure plan, or any plan that I can remember. The HC plan wasn’t his. Governing certainly wasn’t his strength.
  10. This board gets their marching orders from My Pillow Guy.
  11. I might be…..somewhere down the line.
  12. A true hero and patriot. Poor Ronald. Not the entrance to the national stage he hoped for. He needs help. Uncle Joe to the rescue!
  13. That lady mayor from Puerto Rico would’ve rolled up her sleeves and been removing debris the entire time, pulling people out of the rubble. Where’s Ronald? His bunions bothering him today?
  14. You’ll thank me some day for being real about Florida. You get what you pay for and there’s no state tax, so you get nothing.
  15. Seniors are on fixed incomes so their money doesn’t get taxed by Florida since there’s no state tax. If you ask me, that savings isn’t enough to make me move to a state that lacks so many services. They’re no longer labor units in the state.
  16. Yeah, I don’t really disagree with anything you said. I think they should probably cover recent history before they jumped into any theory like you describe, and then tie it to present day life. When I was in 7th and 8th grade, and HS also, we didn’t really cover anything more recent than the Vietnam war, and that was a very short chapter. Asians came here on huge boats well before Columbus did, and by not telling that story, you’re a racist. J/k Things can be both good and bad, and a little in between.
  17. I don’t think I have a say in it whatsoever. It’s not my place. I’m the oppressor, not the oppressed. It’s not up to me how it’s delivered. If that’s how people view it and the information is historically and factually correct, I don’t have any problems with it. It’s above my pay grade to make those decisions. The country has an ugly history and it obviously did great harm by white-washing it all of these years. I’ve only read the parts that discuss economic impacts so far.
  18. I’m worried about your brain swelling. https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2290324733293/brain-inflammation-from-covid-19-looks-eerily-similar-to-that-from-alzheimer-s
  19. So he’s saying that whites are still the oppressors. Pat Robertson says critical race theory is "a monstrous evil" that is urging people of color to "rise up and overtake their oppressors" so that once they've "gotten the whip handle," they'll then "instruct their white neighbors how to behave."
  20. This is tricky. Biden wants Trump again, so how does Biden create a scenario where that could happen? Well, you gotta put the squeeze on him to make him feel like his only way out of trouble is by announcing a presidential run. It’s an interesting game of chicken happening.
  21. This really didn’t go very well. So if attacks on Biden’s successful vaccination response and the “big lie” are not helping them sway voters, how is the GOP’s latest made-up controversy, critical race theory, working out? For starters, most voters do not know what Republicans are yammering about. The Politico-Morning Consult poll found that 19 percent have a favorable view of critical race theory, and 52 percent admit they either do not have an opinion or have never heard of it. Fewer than 30 percent have a negative or somewhat negative view of the obscure academic theory. Even among Republicans and Republican-leaners, 44 percent have no opinion or never heard of it.
  22. The 2 microchips will interfere with each other, otherwise I would.
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