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Everything posted by Governor

  1. I can take the train from Madison NJ to Newark and hop on the other train to Hoboken or NYC but I would have absolutely no reason to drive or visit Newark. That’s where you go to buy drugs. if you think that NJ looks mostly like Newark and Camden, then you’ve really never been here.
  2. My county has stayed the same population over the last 10 years. 500k people. That’s 200k too much for me. Why would you want to live somewhere that’s overpopulated and has no industry/jobs? The “leaving NJ in droves” narrative is a decade old. If people are still leaving, it’s the red counties in South Jersey and that’s wonderful if true. I would love to believe that all of “those people” are leaving but I’m a bit skeptical. There’s no shortage of hicks in South Jersey and parts of NW Jersey. There’s still confederate flags and active Klan about 30 minutes west of me. You should tell them that Florida is a “libertarian utopia” and they should come down right away. You cant find houses to buy anywhere in this area. It’s still overpopulated. People coming down to you are people that couldn’t make it up here. As someone once famously said…..”They aren’t sending their best.”
  3. If you’re in your 20’s and wanna dick around in Florida for a few years, that’s perfectly fine, but have a plan and exit strategy. if you’re in your 30’s and just moved your family to Florida, you just made a terrible mistake unless you’re coming from an equally wretched place like Ohio, Missouri, etc. We got really lucky and escaped the South in our 40’s and it’s totally different in NJ now. It’s a real pleasure to live here. Quality of life is amazing.
  4. You lose again. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/public-school-rankings-by-state
  5. It all depends on what you value in life. Florida and Texas are retail states so their economies are quite deceiving. The working class is much poorer compared to NJ. Do you value retail shopping more than overall health, crime, education, environment, etc? It’s ok if you do.
  6. All of you fled to Florida and Texas and now my state ranks #1. I wonder why that is? New Jersey now officially ranks as the best state in America to live in, according to WalletHub's annual list released Tuesday. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/new-jersey-is-americas-best-state-to-live-in-new-survey-says/3107116/
  7. “Did you not read the article you posted gov? Bad ideology exists on both sides of the aisle, but your article was very pointed about who the offenders were.” Csn someone please help him?
  8. Don’t let B-man see that you’re a RINO. He will remove you from his friends list and you’ll be blocked from seeing his Chinese media sources. is that what you want?
  9. A great example of how you’ve tried to rewrite history to prop up a dead and racist ideology called Conservatism.
  10. I feel that if you can show a direct link through your family, then you should be taken care of. A lot of northerners, and Americans in general, don’t realize that rural areas in the Carolina’s are full of black farmers. Most of their land was stolen from them. Those people should be paid out. When I get a break, I will post them for you.
  11. I already told you. It’s the 2 approved history books from Mississippi and I believe it was 6th AND 7th grade. Don’t take my word for it. Go take a look for yourself.
  12. Republicans don’t want our history being taught because it exposes what they have trying to preserve all along, which is white supremacy. One only has to take a quick look at the recent voter suppression laws to understand that. Over the last few days, people have been posting the actual textbook material online. When you take a look at the material, you see that slavery is covered on 1 page and the narrative is that white women slave owners were oppressed. It doesn’t go into slavery at all. Do you feel that satisfies the requirements?
  13. Don’t forget the massacre in Wilmington. NC. It was the only coup in American history. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/wilmington-massacre-2/ Check out the history books being used right now in Mississippi. it isn’t in there!
  14. I haven’t read all of the material yet but I see it more as a “how did we get here” as far as economics and the power structures throughout our history. I haven’t seen anything about feelings. People are seeing that slavery is totally skipped over in kid’s history books altogether. It’s pretty blatant. You may not like CRT but there has to be a compromise because red states aren’t teaching about slavery at all.
  15. The Delta variant is nature’s cure for voter suppression laws.
  16. Nothing in a child’s history book happened in their lifetime. Should we just get rid of history? Start with Trump?
  17. That must be an embarrassing hospital visit. Why didn’t you get vaccinated? Patient. Political reasons. Well that was stupid wasn’t it?
  18. This is my town. LMAO. I made the news! Fake news network but still. https://www.mediamatters.org/martha-maccallum/fox-anchor-one-new-jersey-township-removing-holiday-names-school-calendar-leading
  19. Uh oh. Now you’ve done it. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/06/teachers-across-the-country-are-protesting-laws-that-stop-them-from-talking-about-systemic-racism/
  20. So you’re outraged about the number of times the person’s race is mentioned? Is there a certain number of mentions that would satisfy you? Is it 10? Is it 20?
  21. That’s exactly it. They’re going with what worked in past midterm elections, but there really isn’t any reason to believe that will continue to work when everyone is hyper-focused on politics. it hasn’t worked since 2010.
  22. If the media purposely isn’t mentioning race, how do you know the shooter is black? Was Alex Jones on scene?
  23. We both could be partly right. We don’t actually have any reason to believe there’s anything illegal or questionable on the laptop at all, real or fake. For all we know, it’s data from games and vacation photos. What type of illegal stuff do you think would be stored on the system drive of a personal laptop and in what format? Are you insinuating that he saved some juicy stuff to a folder named cORruPTioN? What is he being accused of again? Do we even know?
  24. I mean, take a look at what these lunatics are teaching. It’s a total re-write of history. https://www.prageru.com/series/5-minute-videos/
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