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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. I have always understood the sword verse to be the platform upon which the delusions are built. I think most reasonable people understand that it's not the religion itself, but generations of brainwashing susceptible individuals. I think the US style gang analogy someone pointed out is a pretty good one, but the differences in the groups' overarching goals lend to these tragic murders of innocent people. I don't have a good answer for what to do. It's important to put things in proper perspective and not stoop to your enemies level. So anyone who wants to just wipe out the Middle East is way off base, but I don't think ignoring it is the way to go either. As with most things it will take time, but I would focus on improving relations with the young disenfranchised muslim community at home. In many cases their situations make them prone to radicalization from recruiters. I'm sure this will be labeled a weak response.
  2. It's a very complex issue. What do you allow? How far do you let it go? What legal basis is there for various forms/subject matter of content. What are the various legal differences between countries? It's essentially in uncharted territory and some confusion is expected. The cynic in this situation says they are adjusting to maximum profit, but I buy the excuses of confusion and limited resources. I don't get that cynical read from their leadership. I plan in business every day, but that plan needs to be adjusted once reality starts. It's hard to even begin having a conversation about what should be censored by moderators. There are very few things that are universally rejected. Now try writing a consistent code of ethics for however many millions of users they have.
  3. Where are you getting the bottom quote from and how do they even quantify that? Personally, I think this an interesting subject for debate. I completely buy the excuse that resources for watching/reviewing user content has not caught up with traffic. I don't have an answer to what "should be" censored. I feel like they are damned either way with a group of people.
  4. When you elect a reality television star you reap what you sow....constant, unhinged entertainment.
  5. This has been the absolute worst NBA season I can ever remember. Hopefully the big payoff at the end is worth it. The great thing is that we can do it all over again next year.
  6. You can be a funny guy when you want to be.
  7. Must be quite the site with your arm around the woman you met on farmersonly.com
  8. I thought I was a cynical jerk. Some of you have raised the bar.
  9. The Starbucks near my house probably has a 10% success rate with my order. I'm forced to go, as the significant other loves the lates and all that, but keep my expectations low. They messed up a large hot coffee with cream three times in a row on me. It isn't even called a coffee, but rather a "Pike Place" or something stupid like that. Now I just drive to Horton's a little further away and make an extra stop for my girl's drink after.
  10. Thanks for freaking me out. Glad it's a nonstory in May.
  11. Invasion? It only ran one season, but I remember my sister watching it.
  12. Tim Horton's almost every time. Dunkin is usually good at night because I'm pretty sure they automate their coffee dumping/brewing fresh every 15 minutes or whatever it is. With Tim's you have to rely on a teenager making fresh coffee and dumping the stuff sitting around, which usually doesn't happen. I hate getting a stale cup when I need a post dinner pickup. Tim's coffee fresh is superior.
  13. Lavar Ball can't do any real damage, except to his son's career before it even begins. I would love for LA to pass on him.
  14. It was a mid level use of irony, that elicited a mid level "HA" from me. 7.5/10 I have grown to love the energy of Trump and the comedic hilarity that ensues. Hilarious for all the wrong reasons.
  15. We were first time buyers last year (June 16) in North Buffalo. It was a very stressful few months with several disappointments. Anything we looked at had multiple offers the day of the open house. Finally got lucky putting in a full price offer the day of the open house and encountered sellers who needed to move quickly to get into the new house they found faster than they expected. I wrote a sappy letter and everything. Fast forward a year and I see now that we actually had it easy. My freinds are getting beat up worse and losing out with offers significantly above asking. So much competition and absurd prices. Comparables where we bought are now 25-35k more than what we spent 11 months ago and they are selling immediately. Great time to be a seller.
  16. Any liberal with half a brain should stop well short of any impeachment conversations. Trump is your best friend for stymieing the GOP's agenda. Keep the sideshow going Don, you're a yuggggge star.
  17. I understand it's incredibly rare, but it is possible for an incumbent president to be primaried correct? The Don's supporters are drying up.
  18. Didn't this just happen with Seattle? I believe they only received a warning.
  19. It can't really be considered a cooking show at all, but I LOVED watching Super Market Sweep when I was a kid. Great gameshow.
  20. I am glad there seems to finally be one main throat to choke (coach McDermott) with everyone working towards his vision. I didn't really care if it was the coach, GM, or a czar type, I wanted a singular vision. This appears to be the closest we have been to this in some time.
  21. The driver only did what most of us fantasize about doing. I've mentioned in another thread that I don't feel as much rage from cyclists while I'm driving (unless they are cutting me off, hogging a lane on a busy street, doing other normal DB cyclist stuff) but rather when I'm walking and they are ringing their stupid bells or shaking their stupid condescending heads because my dog and I cannot see behind us and had the audacity to be walking in their path. Get off the highway Lance. We aren't in France.
  22. I lose interest in food/cooking shows easily without a competitive element. Chopped is my favorite.
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