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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. Beane explained it. He wants to clear all the dead cap this year. Next year their cap amount will be huge.
  2. They will do what they do. Study the hell out of the available QBs, decide if one of them is above the others, and if he's above enough to be aggressive and get to 2 to get him.
  3. Gettleman is in the catbird's seat. He waits and a team that feels they have to get to 2 starts to worry. Could be us.
  4. Why? Hold it till the last minute and max out what you can get. The Jets panicked
  5. It's the opposite. They know they have to move ahead of 3 to get their guy and I suspect they've known that all along
  6. Just a gut feeling but I think they like Rosen and if his interview goes well they'll move to get him The desire thing. He could have been a world class tennis player. But he chose a team game in football. So if anything to me it's a positive on his desire
  7. They are looking at guys for depth. And yes your insinuation that you know as much about players as Beane is truly laughable
  8. Let's say they do and draft Darnold. And he is terrible. Can I count on you to be on the board saying it's OK, at least they tried? Or can I count on you to be calling for everyone's head? Somehow I suspect I know the answer.
  9. Again, your reading comprehension skills are absurdly poor. I would not give a guy with a losing record 85 million guaranteed like Cousins. I was all in on Cousins until I saw that absurd contract. I would have put him in the top three let's say because I thought he and McD would have been a perfect fit. But that contract would have completely gutted our team. And I am all about Beane spending whatever capital he needs to spend IF HE THINKS HE SEES THE GUY HE HAS TO HAVE. Do you get that now? If he thinks Rosen is the guy for the next 10-15 years then do whatever. Throw in picks from next year, throw in Shady. Do you honestly think that Arizona thinks Bradford is their answer. Yet they spent 20 million out of desperation. Hoping he may finally be the guy. It's foolish.
  10. Here's another grossly overpaid guy. Bradford with the cards. 20 million for a guy who is always hurt. Teams don't pay so much because they want to build around a QB. They pay out of desperation.
  11. Who cares how much they get paid? So a lot of QBs are grossly overpaid because of their corresponding performance. Do you not understand it makes the exact opposite argument from what you think?
  12. Hey genius, nowhere have I referred to Brady. Check your hysteria and actually read for a second. And your statement about Brees and Manning is completely out of left field. What I and others have said for quite a while now is if Beane sees a guy he thinks he has to have (like Rosen) then he should spend whatever capital he has to have to get him. But if he does not, then he should identify a guy he is happy getting, and figure out if he can get him by either staying at 12 or 22 or make a smaller move to get ahead of say a Miami. It is not about just picking a Qb to pick a QB. That is what it seems you want. Pick the right QB.
  13. This is ridiculous. The Browns have ignored the position? Couch, Kiser, Manziel, Kessler. al they've done is try to find a QB. What the Browns are is testimony to how bad things get when you pick the wrong QB.
  14. Another genius around here that thinks he can predict the future. Maybe not. 4 Qb's in the first 4 picks has never happened before, and the last time it was close was the historic Tim Coach class. It was laughable how bad some of them turned out to be.
  15. Of these I remain absolutely perplexed why people insist on including guys like Mahomes, who has shown nothing yet and Trubisky who has a long way to go. Aand knowing what you know now, if you had to give up a ton of picks to move up to get Winston or Mariotta, not me. They have been spotty thus far. Stafford has also not led his team to anything. Would I have given up the farm for Stafford knowing what I know now? Nope. It comes down to what Beane thinks the potential is for each of these guys. He can make a huge move or not, or wait for the inevitable fall from grace for one of them. He has a ton of cards to play.
  16. Foles, Keenum, Bortles all in championship games last season
  17. Then they don't make the move. They tried to make the move with the Colts and the Colts wanted to stay top ten after the trade. They apparently can move to 6 and that may help them move to 2. I honestly don't know how many times this needs to be said, but it all depends on what Beane and his guys think of these prospects. If they see a guy they have to have, say Rosen, then he will have the necessary conversations with Gettleman and/or other teams to do all he can to get that done. He has spent a lot of time and activity being able to make a move like that. If he does not see a guy he has to have, then he would be stupid to use up a bunch of picks to get a guy just to get a guy. He could maybe move up a few spots if, for example, he wants Jackson or Allen and he's afraid a team may jump ahead. Or he can stay put at 12 and get the guy he wants, depending on what his board looks like. I started the you don't know squat thread yesterday for a reason. We don't know what Beane wants to do just yet, because we have no idea right now what his board looks like, and who he might want to take. He knows, and probably has known for a while, if he wants to ensure he gets a guy he has to have then he'd need to get the 1 or 2 in the draft. Three wasn't ever going to get him there; at best the Jets get their pick of QBs if Cleveland or the Giants each pass on a QB, or they get the third guy if the teams ahead of them each take a QB. Al this weekend did was confirm what Beane likely already knew, that he has to get to 1 or 2. And that is only if there is a guy he sees as a can't miss prospect. Does anyone here think any of these guys is that kind of player? I have my doubts personally. Which is why I think they actually let the draft play out. Someone will drop, they always do. And I suspect they take say a Jackson or Allen if he drops, assuming their grades are roughly equal for all these guys, and they make move up a couple spots to get that guy. Just maybe not to 1 or 2.
  18. It is if you don't think the guy you get is good enough to be the guy for 10 years
  19. Based on what? If they know more than I think, where do they get this knowledge that others do not have? Wasn't the Rockpile great?
  20. I pointed out specifically in my OP that having more data does not necessarily mean teams make the right decision every time. Just that when people here think they know more than the teams, they likely don't because they have a ton more data.
  21. No it's not. It's to point out we don't know a lot of things because we as fans are not in the position to know. We don't have access to things the teams do and thus they are in a better position to make decisions. It does not mean they'll be right. It is all laid out in the OP. You either want to argue because you don't like being told reality, you don't like me for whatever reason, or you just want to be deliberately obtuse. You can't accept we don't have access to all the info. Why I have no idea.
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