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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. It said he doesn't know if he'd move up. Read more carefully. Again the point is that your statement that they can't get to 2 is wrong. They can, it's whether they'd use the capital they'd have to use And again, I agree about Jackson The Bills can only make the best offer they can. If it is not taken it's not taken. But to say they are definitely locked out is flat out wrong. if Beane thinks a guy is another Brady he'll offer whatever he has to for a team to move, don't you think? I don't think he thinks there is, but that's immaterial
  2. I agree about Jackson, it may be he's the guy they're targeting. But you are simply wrong saying we can't move to 1 or 2. Because you're basing it just off 2018 picks and there's no reason to do so. And you're basing it off what you think Beane would do and you have no idea about that either
  3. True. Ultimately it all comes down to whether Beane thinks one of these guys is a can't miss type
  4. You can trade picks from next year. You can throw in Shady if you really feel you have to have a guy. Quit thinking that chart really means anything.
  5. I wish they had taken Watson. But what exactly has Mahomes done?
  6. I am astounded with the ability to predict the future we have so many people here vs. the owner's box. You'd surely have made billions in the market by now
  7. It is Rodak being a moron again. How you can say the Bills are boxed out then in the next sentence say they can move to 2 and call yourself a journalist is absurd
  8. You honestly have no clue. Sorry to be so blunt but you don't. What the Jets did is got the third pick. And that does not guarantee they get the QB they want because there are two spots above them. Beane is in great position right now. He sees a guy he has to have he knows by moving up to 1 or 2 he gets him over the Jets. And he can make that move on draft day to lock out anyone else, or do it now if he wants. Or he could cut a deal between 4-10 if he has several guys he feels the same about. Or stay put. The Jets blinked, and now if a team like the Bills jump over them they an rib them if their guy. They blinked. Buffalo didn't. Beane knows what he's doing.
  9. True. Mainly because you don't get to interview the player, talk to their coaches and opposing coaches, etc, etc We have enough to get to 1 if we want. Depends how many picks now and into the future you want to give up
  10. Depends what you offer. If it's a guy Beane thinks is can't miss you offer what you have to offer
  11. It would cost them more but it actually gives us a better chance to get the guy you want.
  12. We're not boxed out. We can even move to 1, again if Beane sees it as a guy he has to have. Or to4 if he's happy with any of 4 QBs. It would cost more more or less than moving to 3, depending. But again by waiting we have more options whereas the Jets blinked earlyearmarks
  13. It comes down to whether Beane thinks it's guy he has to have. He has more ammunition to move than anyone else.
  14. If Beane decides one of them is the guy he has to have, trading to 1 is the way to guarantee getting him
  15. My thought in Mahomes is that I've never seen a guy from Texas Tech be worth anything in the NFL
  16. You make them an offer they can't refuse. The only way you spend a ton of draft capital is if you identify a guy you have to have. You don't have him at 3. You can have him at 2. And if they think they have to have say Rosen, the more likely partner to trade with is Cleveland to get the 1. Then you know you have your guy. The Jets move makes sense if you are happy with any of 3 guys. I think the Bills either spend what they have to to make sure they get their guy, or if they are happy with any of the top 4 trade with Cleveland at 4 or stay out if they like a Jackson
  17. So the cost to three would have been fine but the cost for two is astronomical? Stop and think. The Jets blinked. They now get 3. For the Bills to want to move up and get a guy, they have to have a guy they feel is well worth it. If they do, they can offer what is needed to get ahead of the Jets and get him.
  18. This is getting comical. What it means is this: IF the Bills think there is a guy they have to have they can offer what they need to offer to get to 2. Even 1. And ensure they get their guy. Going to 3 now means you might get the 3rd guy on your board. The Jets blinked. The Bills didn't.
  19. Absolutely not and the irrational panic is almost getting comical at this point
  20. To recap for anyone just joining the thread: 1. Beane was a brilliant general manager until another two teams made a trade, and he then became a bum that will no doubt get fired in they year or so. 2. The firing is because he didn't move up to3, ignoring the fact that he could move to 1,2, or 4. 3. The cost of moving to 3 would have been perfectly acceptable, but the cost of moving to 2 is completely unacceptable 4. If he moves to 1, 2or 4, he needs to draft a QB, and depending on the post you read the guy they take could be a star or a flop 5. Despite their success thus far, the current regime is no different than any other management team in Bills history and will make the exact same mistakes 6. If he moves up and takes a guy, of the same folks saying he has to move about 70% of the same people will say he took the wrong guy 7. And that's because those 70% sitting in their arm chairs have a better understanding of who to draft than the front office and scouts who have approximately 1 million times more information on which to base a decision think that covers it
  21. Well, I live outside Indy and no. They brought Kerry Collins in and he quit unexpectedly. And there was no one research available.
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