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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. If Beane wants to get to two he can. He can use picks to get to say 6 then package with 11 to get to 2. It all comes down to his evaluations.
  2. Guesses. Nothing more. Nothing less. But some here think their opinions aren't guesses. They think for example there is no way to get a franchise QB this year because if one trade made yesterday. And that is ridiculous. I would estimate there are very few people on this board that have been a fan of this team longer than me. You would have to have been sitting at the Rockpile in 1960 to have been a fan for as long. I appreciate the frustration as much if not more so than many here. But I will say again: don't know means don't know. Beane has a lot of cards he can play or not play. It comes down to their evaluation they make on these guys. All I know is yesterday at this time the general feeling was he's doing a good job, and now some people want him fired because of a trade that we have no idea how it will affect anything. It is just ridiculous. You want to criticize do so once we know what happens.
  3. Terry, please just acknowledge you have no way of knowing that
  4. I don't believe their parade had a thing to do with their approach. For the past couple years they have been compiling picks and this year Dorsey was brought in to use them. I don't feel optimism or pessimism because We. Do. Not. Know. Let's see how the draft plays out. How they play in camp. I have no doubt they are drafting a QB; it's just which one and where in the draft. I would remind you around this time last year it was doom and gloom. And they made the playoffs. Don't know means don't know And I too apologize for being too harsh
  5. This is the type of fan mentality which allows for incompetence to happen year after year. Excuse me, but exactly ewho the hell do you think you are? Sorry to be so bluntly, but do you honestly believe that your mentality has anything to do with the success or failure of an NFL team? you claim my take is solace in willful ignorance? Yours is misplaced arrogance and self-aggrandizement. In a calmer mode, you have no idea if they failed because the draft has not happened yet. You do not know. Don't know means don't know
  6. You as in the collective you. Including me and everyone here. This entire past day has been filled with posts claiming absolute knowledge over what they could have done, should have done and will do. And none of us know squat. Because we do not know what value the Bills have on the QBs in this draft. And none of us have anywhere near the access to the data the Bills have on these guys. Few of us have watched them live, we don't have the volumes of tape they have, we have not had access to their coaches, other players to see about them. We haven't stood at a white board or in a film room and quizzed them about reads, progressions, etc. None of us have any of that kind of data. Know what else? We don't have phone lines connected to every other team's front office. So we have no idea what offers are flying around. For all we know there's a deal right now with the Giants or Browns. Or not. Or with someone else. Yet people here insist we cannot move up now and that we lost any chance at a QB. Which is simply wrong. Because we don't know. i love the Tom Clancy books. One of Jack Ryan's favorite phrases is : don't know means don't know. We don't know. Beane does know. He knows he has to decide if any of the four is a guy he has to have, or if he's OK with any of the top 6 guys. He knows or will know if the draft capital he has acquired will allow him to get a guy he wants or if he has to sweeten the deal. He knows if there's a MLB or DT that at 12 could solidify his D for years. He knows because it's his job to know. Does that mean a guaranteed certainty in his decision? Of course not. But he's in a helluva lot better position than we are to make the call. When we woke up this morning everyone thought Beane was smart for getting a bunch of picks for this draft, for getting some decent FAs, clearing cap, etc. And 24 hours later he's a bum because he didn't make a trade that might only get him the third QB in his board. He knows. We don't know squat. It's fun to debate opinions, but in the end we don't know squat.
  7. Yes they can. As you said no price is too small if it's the guy they want. They can package picks this year, next year, throw Shady in, whatever if it's the guy they have to have. I have not mentioned Barkley all day; I have no idea why you brought that up.
  8. I think he's being smart if he waits till draft day to move. Again it's whether he sees a guy as a guy he has to have. He has the ammunition to swing a deal and can close out others by waiting.
  9. You don't know that though. No one does. as I have said continually, this comes down to Beane's thoughts about these QBs. If he feels one of them is the answer he can go get him. The Jets deal brings more clarity to where he needs to get to andbitbis oikelybhe needed to get to 1 or 2 anyway
  10. Sure we can. If we want to throw in picks from next year, Shady, etc.
  11. They panicked. The Bills didn't. As you say there is no such thing as overpayment. If true (and Inwould argue your point) the Bills can overpay to get ahead of them. All the Jets did is guarantee they potentially get the 3rd QB on their board
  12. Complain all you want. None of have all the information the pro teams have and none of us are pro scouts. And even they get it wrong with QBs in round 1 about half the time We all come here to share opinions. Great. But it is arrogant to think you know better than guys who have done this for years. It would be like Beane walking into my office and telling me he knows how to run a lab better than me because he saw a you tube video about it
  13. Honest to God. Enough already. The Jets now might get whomever their third choice is. The Bills can move ahead of them if they decide they have to get a certain guy. If not they have 6 picks in the first 3 rounds and the Jets gave a bunch away for the potential third guy they may want out of a group that does not seem to have a can't miss type player.
  14. It was never just Beane's call. Today did not change that one iota
  15. And he can get one if he trade up. An an entire day of posts and it still comes down to how Beane feels about these guys. If he feels one is as good as you seem to think, he can move up. If not, he won't
  16. Getting a QB just to get a QB smacks of EJ desperation.
  17. Look. I actually agree with everything above. My one point is you said they can't move up. They can; it just depends how much they'd want to give up. And you also don't understand the definition of fact. But other than those we are of a similar mind. My guess? They get a stud MLB at 12 and then trade up a few spots for Jackson.
  18. Interesting take. It all comes down to whether Beane has a guy he feels he has to get
  19. I think his foot/ankle issues caused concern as well. Beane is doing what a GM should, getting his cap under control, amassing draft picks, and the like
  20. They already have Glenn's replacement in Dawkins.
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