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Everything posted by Figster

  1. Owning or having access to property with some history to metal detect on is key. My advice is to get in touch with a local dealer that carries FIsher and set up for a demonstration to find out what works good for your pops. (check out model F75)
  2. The local privy has probably been worked over, virgin ground is what you need.
  3. To become the best you have to beat the best and to me hard schedule equates to a very exciting season.
  4. Enjoying treasure hunting as a hobby is somewhat dependent on finding treasures, and why I urge people to buy good equipment if you can afford it.
  5. Digging through old poop to find hidden treasures is a blast and can be very lucrative near battlegrounds in the south. Rebels tossed anything military related down the out house poop holes to hide their identity in some instances. Privy poker/ finder is the tool used to find them...
  6. Get a Fisher, depth capabilities mean everything. Go big, or go home empty handed... (Try Whites If you want user friendly)
  7. gotcha, I can agree with that, our last chance was Cam and we came oh so close,
  8. half the QB's taken in the 1st 3 rounds over the last 15 years have become franchise?
  9. with all due respect do you have something I could look at that supports a 50 / 50 proposition for finding a franchise QB, or at the very least, a winning QB.
  10. Good to hear, don't be walking around with a big star on your back, stay safe and enjoy
  11. The odds of a QB drafted in any round achieving starter status are long in my opinion. Smaller school QB's don't get the same amount of attention and in some instances good QB prospects are never even given an opportunity in my humble opinion. The wonderlic is supposed to tell us how well a QB reads the football field yet one of the NFL's lowest scores ( Cam Newton ) has been breaking NFL records in rushing and passing. Myself personally, it tells me good athletes are getting passed over in an evolving league that the power forward style QB is starting to emerge. When the odds are so bad for 1st round signal callers why would you trust the so called scouting to begin with Kirby?
  12. Owners are not the best athletes in the world and when a star athlete signs on to a team in many instances his future salary depends on how well a team is managed. Most players in any sport are drawn to winning organizations because they are goal oriented and want to win a championship. Players do take risks in my humble opinion.
  13. I love Tyrod Taylor going long for Sammy Watkins, Good BBQ, and God Blessing America...
  14. Its not natural to do some of the things Sammy does, stopping on a dime,reversing directions, and his body/ feet pay the price IMO.
  15. I stand corrected, of service to the community.
  16. Playing in the NFL is much more dangerous then people realize IMO. Clearly more dangerous then basketball. We are just now learning how much brain damage is occurring from players running full speed like guided missiles into each other and clashing helmets/ heads. The broken bones, knee injuries, neck and spinal injuries, I could go on and on. I also think much of the charity work by proffessional athletes gets overlooked, Many of the NFL's higher paid superstars along with their teamates give back to the communities in many ways. Visiting children in hospitals, coaching and working with kids in their spare time, inspiring kids to stay in school, get an education. In many ways Pro athletes are of service to the community in my humble opinion.
  17. Real warriors enjoy good entertainment like everyone else IMO.
  18. Some of new posters are accustomed to rules that don't apply here on TBD. The Bills Official site had rules protecting the team/ ownership from getting a new A hole ripped into it.
  19. I don't think OP meant for Reality to do battle with negativity in this manner fellas...
  20. I view some of the leagues elite superstars the same way I view some of the best actors or musicians. Sammy does things I've never seen another WR do before and the same can be said about Taylor at the QB Position. Taylor throwing long to Sammy is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Priceless...
  21. I can't tell who's posting what, and whats with the fake Sammy tweet?
  22. shame on Watkins for wanting to make more money, Elite players are a dime a dozen...
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