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Everything posted by Figster

  1. hahahaha, goes for the whole Bills fan base...
  2. You copied my mistake before I fixed it old friend, now we're doomed...
  3. What are the odds now that Taylor is going into his 3rd season as starter with a HC and OC that believes in him and an O Taylor made around him? You think the odds stacked against him might go down a little, because I do... ...history shows it...
  4. I like Zay, but Boldin gives you that big bodied vet that already knows how to use his body and will consistently make catches in tight coverage along with good YAC. Its a tall order for the rookie IMO. I think the WC Offense needs Boldin, and I think Taylor needs a possession receiver like A Boldin.
  5. I think something in the middle gets us a 1st round QB next season, and the bridge description of Taylor becomes a reality...
  6. Teams need proven veteran leadership to teach younger players how to prepare, how to conduct themselves as professionals on and off the field, and most important, how to win. They don't get any more proven then A Boldin IMO Green Lightning.
  7. I realize Beane wants to make smart decisions from a cost perspective, but getting Boldin into a Bills uni might be the most important thing he could for the success of Tyrod Taylor and the Bills O this season. The whole WR corp benefits from a veteran athlete of his caliber and experience in my humble opinion.
  8. No doubt, The TE position is another worry If Clay goes down, Zay may have something to Zay about it though... ...You can't play catch up late in the game running the football...
  9. I think balanced is the word Oldtimer used, and it works for me...
  10. Taylor doesn't need a clean slate my friend, his body of work so far for a 2 year starter in the NFL is fine.Tyrod Taylor detractors would like you to believe the G Roman O was scaled back because Taylor couldn't throw the football and its simply not true (IMO). I think they should go back and watch film on other O's Roman managed. McD/Dennison have every intention of carrying over the Bills run game and when you have Shady and T Mobile behind center it makes perfect sense.
  11. you keep trying to put words in my mouth, Its not happening ...
  12. Do you think its possible to give Taylor enough time in a more pass oriented system before passing judgement?
  13. The best rushing O? Or maybe we should waste the best RB in the league?
  14. I can get a better idea of whats happening reading Astro's reports then I could being at the live practice. Awesome stuff
  15. We have been looking so long for the next face of the franchise we could be missing whats staring us in the face.
  16. We all know Taylor needs to improve areas of his game and I'm really not sure what the point is your trying to drive home. Your not going to convince me Lynns thoughts on Taylor had anything to do with the design of the G Roman O. We averaged over 5 yards an attempt in rushing, best in the league, and everyone knew our intentions. Why are you (or Lynn) trying to fix something thats not broke?
  17. Taylor has much to prove, I get that, but when you say Lynn wishes the Bills O was better in the passing game operating out of a run heavy O that he didn't design, the comment means nothing to me. (Lynns)
  18. Wouldn' t Taylors top 10 QBR and TD to INT ratio suggest to you that T T can handle more on his plate in the passing game, not less?
  19. I just have an opinion and its no better then yours are anybody else. Practice makes perfect though Tee and everyon just needs to realize the Bills O put more time and effort into the run game and less in the passing game then any other team in the league. It was by design and Taylor/ passing ability had zero to do with it IMO. Do you see me insulting Tee, bang, or anybody else that disagree's with me? You got that right...
  20. gotta run, it was fun, I could care less what Lynn who has zero experience as an OC said, with all due respect Tee
  21. Taylors 47 TD's and 12 INT's speaks for itself. For the record HC Rex Ryan wanted a run heavy O and Taylor delivered with the best running O in the league while keeping his overall QB rating top 10. What I find mind boggling is trying to blame Taylor for the design and intentions of the G Roman O.
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