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Everything posted by beausox

  1. Kerry resides in the most exclusive neighborhood in Boston, Louisburg Square. Parking in Boston is at a premium to say the least. It happened that some mis-guided town planner placed a fire hydrant right outside his digs. Nevermind the hydrant pre-dated the purchase of the home by his wealthy heiress wife. Needless to say Kerry ccomplained of this onerous situation and, lo and behold, the fire hydrant was moved to the front of some other less connected neighbor.
  2. Au cotraire, mon frere. THE one thing the pitiful pack of peccaries who throw crap fear is someone who ignores the crap thrown. Many of those who are members of the "axel of bullies" rely upon the idea that most people will tire of their vitriol. They are very good at being annoying and they work well in concert. You have doubtless noted that peccaries run willy-nilly over the forest floor and by dint of their furious and coordinated attempt at chaos hope to give the appearance of a pack of fearless hyena. There is nothing more pathetic than a " bully-coward" when exposed. They are not feared but they are loathed. Also "one less" would have worked for you and most but I wished to convey with economy that there were more remaining to be lessened.
  3. Annoying you is so easy it is almost no fun. The capture of Libbi reduces the number of Islamic and associated terrorists by exactly one. It could not be said: "one more more" or "one less less". It did not have to be said "one more less"and i was trying to keep the counting on one hand so you could follow the count without getting confused.
  4. The work of god is Opus Dei If your nads He doth shave And reduce thy balls omay He Increase thou shrill to falsetto
  5. So. Jesus has an "affair"- if only cause it was secret- with Mary Magdalene, best friend of His mother and He has not deceived us? Furthermore He begat children because His bloodline was required to continue. Nevermind we know not why.It would be one thing if this "patriarchal" myth/fraud had been conjured up by male clerics on their own but that is not enough this conspiracy needs Jesus' affirmation. As to "other works of fiction" including the Bible. As a Catholic I do not believe in the literal interpretation of the "Old Testament" which is rich and replete with object lessons on faith (Abraham, Job et al). Did they occur exactly as reported? I do not know but I do know the point remained: faith and fidelity were important. The New Testament is an historical, eye witness account in which Matthew, Mark, Luke and John fail to mention a bit of minutia, to wit, Jesus "married" MM and bore child(ren?) so as to create a Royal Bloodline.
  6. Admission of the problem is the first step to improvement. The road from abysmal stupidity is hard though. I'll keep you in my prayers!
  7. It might have helped Brown's case had he correctly addressed the number of "panes" in the pyramid. He claimed accuracy re: Louvre. For the record there are 673 not 666 as he claimed. Gee wonder what Bauhusistas think about such an obvious mistake.
  8. It does have its fun moments. I just cannot tell whether the "Know Nothing" attack dogs are abysmally stupid or anti-Catholic. I would bet both. Of corse being anti-Catholic is so easy because its doctrine stands in stark relief of post-Modern bigots whose rant is shrill.
  9. Was not this draft as good in the middle rounds as normal? It was the first round that was not as strong. Many GM's would rather not draft in the top ten and NE Pats have a track record of trading down. Of course a large group of high quality- franchise type picks in 1st round push "middle quality" players deeper. Such considerations make me to believe that the quantitative point system has to adjust for qualitative vagaries year to year.
  10. Very true.In fact DB and Flutie were great for ticket sales
  11. Great analysis. One major improvement JP will give us is in the touch passes. i cannot remember which game but DB failed to complete an easy pass to a wide open Moulds who could have run forever. The pass had to travel only 5 or so yards and DB failed as he did on so many such occassions. The swing pass to WM in the flat will be a big play all year long. Why isn't it September?
  12. Quickness plus speed on a chiseled powerful body. I think Peters is a freak in that I think he would be a dominant DT. In the olden days when everybody -but the left half back and QB -played both ways Peters would have advertised his full range of ability and we would have had to make a choice. Jim Dunaway a massive tackle( from Ole Miss i think) was a two way guy who switched to DT. Tom day of the 60's Bills and Dunaway teammate was switched by sweet lou Saban to D-Line. I saw another post which indicated tha Roscoe Parrish would fit well in as a DB. One thing is for sure if any of this ever comes to be I think on of the first coaches to lead the way will be Mularkey
  13. Jack Kemp, Cookie Gilchrist, O.J., Drew Bledsoe, Takeo (who was lionized prior to coming) and perhaps Biscuit
  14. He drove the colts nuts. Tom Matte magnifies the loss by his visceral distaste for sample. RIP.
  15. q:1) 24 is in part cut into by commercial. My vote is dead in the car not unconscious. q2)Unless Barooz knows something he is a non factor. q3)Heller could not have been around for the extra-legal hi jinks that transpired. The official focus shifted to White House. Again this is a 24 hour show that has sub-plots and love triangles and institutional jealousies. every body needs face time.
  16. the human element always gets bad guys because the bad guys cannot control human nature , for example, the engineers girl friends suspicion. If human nature did not intervene then the bad guys would always win and without the unanticipated happening by actors and viewers alike there is no show. it would be get a bomb, light a bomb, watch bomb explode. Plausible? perhaps but boring for certain
  17. An assasin must be sure he killed his target which by the way was the computer more than Chloe
  18. Is it just me or do the Bills overlook Orangemen? or is it that Orangemen fear playing up here outdoors? I recall Tim Green's hope that the Bills not draft him. We did not of course and he was so happy- and he was public with his derision of Buffalo- to sign with Atlanta who were doormats his entire career.
  19. Hang on to TH til the bitter end or a good draft choice i. e., a 3rd next year or failing that TH will need to play well for us in 2005. For what we paid him we have gotten good value already. Some contender/pretender will have need by trade deadline.
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