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Everything posted by beausox

  1. no- need to prep someone for Clement's possible good bye
  2. Of all the positions it seems that tight end is the most difficult one in which to find great players. There have been and are a lot of good ones but, perhaps because the position requires the "complete football package of skills" there have been few great ones: Ditka, Mackey, Casper, Newsome, Winslow pere et fils(?), Coates, Bavaro, Gonzalez ( last 3 are not HOF's) and I am drawing blanks now. Everrett may possess the speed, agility, toughness and smarts to be great. I do know the best TE the Bills can claim is Metzellars with Costa and Seymour not far behind and neither of them will rise to Canton's podium. There are only 6 TE's inducted: Casper, Ditka, Mackey, Newsome, Smith, Winslow.The only other position with less is placekicker (Stenerud). Even "contributor" has 18 slots!!! in HOF.
  3. Taking into account your sarcasm you are absolutely right. There is a lot of time between now and the trade deadline where injuries cause needs to influence value. I have faith that TD is wise enough to know the relative worth of TH as events transpire. In addition were TD to have blinked on draft day and "gave" TH away he would have diminished his reputation and as a result impaired any future hope of firm resolve in the eyes of other GM's. It may be that TH's value to the Bills has been exhausted. If so why blink? If TH has any hope now to "cash in" next year he had better be the warrior he was once touted and proved to be. If he pouts his way through 2006 he is signing his own financial death warrant. so TD's hole cards are still good. No help on the flop but the river.......
  4. Hello Th. Edgerrin James is out of work. Corey Dillon went for a second rounder. You still have something to prove. How about being a man about it in 2005? It might make 2006 a good year for you elsewhere.
  5. Wrong. Players -and especially players who will either sit out a year or pout for a year- are depreciable assets though only in anti-trust free baseball are they allowed to account in that category. Nonetheless half backs who log 20 plus carries per game have a short life span. If you want longevity value draft o-line men. Actuaries will confirm they have the longest careers and shortest lives.
  6. I agree with a lot of posters that the Bills draft was surprising in that DT and OL was addressed so late and with little fanfare. Could it be that Gandy and Anderson, as far as McNally and Mularkey are concerned, answered a lot of questions and further that Peters and to a lesser extent Bannon round out the contenders for the o line? Could it augur a "massive" cut along the line that would free up $ ?
  7. "They", including child molesters themselves, claim they are unreformable. If so then we have to reconsider sentencing such to life without parole. The "rehabilitationist" do have a point when they argue that old age "cures" the criminal mind. If there is no cure then they deserve life.
  8. When Jane Fonda returned to the Vietnamese guards the notes that the POW's gave her that was her most dispicable act. I can understand Viet Vets anger but spitting in her face permits her a small measure of sympathy. Still when you consider the anguish of the pow's and their families it takes all of my mercy to think she was maltreated. I understand she remained calm post-spittle and left without comment. That is probably a sign of guilt but it is a step toward penitence.
  9. Draft day approaches and polls and posts here have little or any affect at TBD. The anticipation is driving me crazy. Please do not contribute to my mental illness!
  10. Ah! There's the rub. If any proof be needed of Jesus' human nature I refer you to the Garden of Gethsemane(sp). The "problem" of Christianity is that Jesus was aware of perfect and imperfect drives from within Himself. "Our" problem is an imperfect nature that somehow knows the good; Jesus was of a perfect nature who . first hand, understood "our" problem. That is why gethsemane is key. Jesus ,IMHO, is saying" hey wait a minute is this stuff they are going to do to me necessary. Hey, i get it . I understand the human struggle. Enough already"
  11. That is untrue. Infallibility only occurs when the Pope after consultation with bishops speaks ex cathedra, from the chair of St. Peter. A Pope has only done so twice (Immaculate Conception and Assumption -both re: Mary) Infallibilty does not cover the grammar, pronunciation or arithmetic of the Pope nor does it protect him from sin nor insure his intellectual purity. Church teaching on Abortion by the way has gone through a number of changes in how& when over the years. If I am not mistaken Aquinas spoke of viability or quickening as the ensoulment. It will really anger some posters to learn that RCC changes its mind as science unveils "truth".
  12. There have been many Popes not worth veneration. Veneration is earned. JPII was worthy or it seems he was worthy. Being named Pope is indeed an honor. Becoming venerable is his responsibility. The sun will rise, the sun will set and the Roman Catholic Church will continue. JC, as you so informally call Him, forgave Judas, Peter and the "Good Thief" among others including me and you. JC, because He was man, understands us.
  13. Sonds like your grand dad and Pope Benedict are both pretty good judges of the horrors of Fascism. I do not think either had easy, comfortable childhoods but each can bear witness- from distinct but not different perspectives of evil in the world.
  14. Papal infalibility has been invoked twice, viz: Immaculate Conception and Assumption. It was necessary because the Papacy had been subject to being hi-jacked by France, Holy Roman Emporor, Borgias, Medici just about everyone but the Synod of Priory so freedom was necessary. It only occurs ex cathedra and I believe it is not invoked for Church teaching.
  15. New Pope at age 14 joined Hitler Youth group after it became compulsory to do so. He served very briefly and gained an exemption when he joined seminary. He was atached to an anti-aircfraft group...deserted in 1944...spent time as prisoner of war
  16. I think you have to consider that the highest value in software is not only the technology behind it but the economy it brings to bear on its object. The least important factor, I would think, is the labor involved in its construction. Technology creates more but different jobs.(The Luddites always lose in the long run.) As I graduated from high school getting a job at Bethlehem et al was an option to college but in fifteen years the air became clearer in Lackawanna and the sheepskin more valuable. To start off as an auto line worker at age 20 today is nearly certain to require a drastic career change before 35. And finally what would the Brazillian programmers be doing if you did not "employ" them?And fifteen years from now it will be Congolese you employ. Keep up the good work because a 25 year old Brazillian needs you now and a 2 year old Congolsian will.
  17. Not only that . The memo, penned by Sen. Martinez staffer, was given by Martinez!! to Sen. Harkin, a Dem, who though he agreed with Martinez on the issue knew the memo to be embarrassing to Republicans and Harkin arranged to have it leaked so as not to directly betray his friend Martinez. If you want a true friend in politics buy a dog.
  18. Madison's notes and recollections provide a virtual cascade of ideas and proposals most of which did not make it into the convention ( Washington as King or a "two consul" executive e.g.). As far as the Bill of Rights is concerned these were to assuage Anti-Federalist- in particular- fears of an over-bearing government. Not 20 years would elapse before John Marshall would insure Federal hegemony and of its Federal judiciary. So before the intellectual king of the Anti-Federalists would finish his Presidency the anti-federalist movement was effectively ended as a practice. Of course Jefferson did not let the philosophy he preached interfere with his practice, viz: Louisiana Purchase. I cannot imagine , however the "nuclear option" goes that the supremes would modify Marbury
  19. You are a run the damn ball guy. You believe in basic, no-frills, grind it out, old fashioned football. Then you should love RCC. Re: Women in the Church I quite agree that RCC needs to change. Its problem is that women in leadership roles is not culturally acceptable in many developing countries. The Church does live in reality but what is socially hip in Dubuque may not sell in Nairobi. It can be further argued that RCC has not adapted well to social changes to their benefit! Do not get all excited the last sentence was exactly as I intended it. It could have heeded advice from Voltaire? Birth control and abortion are a different matter because these are not matters of tradition which is changeable but natural law which is not alterable. Birth control however has its distinctions. Some methods are acceptable in my and most opinion. Some methods are so post copulation that they become abortion. Indeed abortion has been viewed by many as an acceptable form of birth control. Advocates of Ms. Sanger, the founding mother of Planned Parenthood, find defending her eugenic beliefs difficult and even embarrassing.
  20. 1)Does not the youth cohort have the poorest % voting record not only in real terms but also when the influx of the grandchildren of boomers flood the ranks? 2)Is this not because only the youth cohort can experience a significant increase in size in the short run and thus it requires that its group be treated in a special way? However is it not further true that since.... .....3)Statisticians argue that in a presidential election if everyone potentialy eligible to cast a ballot were to vote it would not effect the nationwide margin because the sample is sufficiently large already? So may it not matter and did not exit polls in Ohio show...... ...4) That the increased youth vote in that state actually broke for Bush much to Dem's chagrin? Thus as every retail politician knows.... ...5) Get YOUR voters out not ALL voters.
  21. Liberation Theology was an attempt to "modernize" the Church with an amalgamation of Marxism and Jesus' social message. The demise of practiced Socialism and JPII's rejection of Marxism set the movement back in popularity. Communists have worked their way into the woodwork but they lurk in the recesses of fringe issues.
  22. If so those who hoped for a more liberal tack are going to be disappointed. Ratzinger is a staunch Conservative. There will be no change in doctrine or teaching. As a youth (9?) he was signed up by authorities in Hitler Youth. It was compulsory.He gained an exemption because he was in the seminary. He was conscripted into Army, deserted same in 1944 and became a prisoner of war. He is considered even by his detractors to be highly intellectual. JPII was also a philosopher of note but his role, or at least his legacy, was to re-endear the world to the Papacy. Ratzinger will now add sumptuous footnotes. Many will not like what they are to hear. Tighten your seat belt.
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