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Everything posted by beausox

  1. He said so eloquently: "I want to say something specifically to the world today- this was not a terrorist attack against the mighty and powerful, it was not aimed at Pesidents nor Prime Ministers, it was aimed at ordinary, working class Londoners, black and white, Muslim and Christian...young and old... that isn't an ideology, it isn't even a perverted faith, it is an indiscriminate attempt at mass murder... Londoners will not be divided by this cowardly attack........{speaking to terrorists}....." you do not fear to give your own life... but I know you fear you may fail in your long term objective to destroy our free society...{ but }... whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail...." Note he addresses the world in opening but does not include the world when he says " Londoners will not be divided" If you thought the Cold War was long.......
  2. The question is who are "they". I have not heard any particular group take credit. Who did it? The Brits and IRA had a code that verified that. They were responsible. Again, rue the day when we dont know who, it will be terrible even more terrible than if we know the "Anarchists of the world" are acting in concert
  3. Not only the weather is full of bluster in the cultural wasteland of "Sewards Folly"
  4. This is another example of what will be a long war. It is not merely Wahabi extremists we need worry.. The major negative aspect of post-Industrial society is widespread and intense alienation. Basques, Irish, Wahabi not to mention Eco-Terrorists et al are enthralled with anarchical motives. The US is unassailable in a conventional military context , a fact which only further enrages the Anarchists. My first thought this (London) was the handiwork of Islamic extremists. Let us hope it was them but I suspect the day is coming when tha Anarchists of the world unite (sic). Edit: Does Al Quaeda have the infrastructure, in England, to carry out such an attack?It occurred in at least 4 places accompanied by booby traps for medical personnel. So far 2:52 pm: only one fuzzy report of responsibility from Sky News who claims it is the work of " Al Queda in Europe"- a group unknown. My guess is IRA in concert with A-Q
  5. Justice Curtis' dissent re: Dred Scott. "When a strict interpretation of the Constitution, according to the fixed rules which governs the interpretation of the laws, is abandoned, and the theoretical opinions of the individuals are allowed to control its meaning, we no longer have a Constitution, we have the government of individual men, who for the time being have power to declare what the Constitution is according their own views of what it ought to mean" Imagine if Dred Scott would have been considered "settled law" or Plessy v Ferguson? Edit: Are decisions by the Supreme Court equal in timelessness to the Constitution it self?
  6. average age of sitting court is 71 and average term 19 years. Rehnquist is next. Will Stewart hang on for 2008?
  7. Post Cold War terrorism must be measured by the terrorists. They must not over reach.The only reason, imho, that the US has not been attacked is that the terrorists need to be mindful that they continue to be perceived as incapable of sustained attack. Allow the US populace to continue to believe that only every few years- from 238 Marines in Beirut, to the World Trade Center- can an attack be mounted so we can maintain our comfortable self-protection attitude. 150,000 American troops as sitting ducks is a terrorists dream and it will also be their undoing and it will also be the undoing of the Democratic party as we know it because like it or not this is a struggle with an enemy that demands and deserves unconditional surrender. So the remarks of Kennedy and Kerry and Harkin and Pelosi that urge retreat are not possible to implement and we will shortly and tragically see why......
  8. "Rights" often conflict and when they do one or another gives way. Freedom of the press does not extend to announcing D-DAY in advance. In war and other extreme instances habeas corpus et al are supplanted by martial law. One has freedom of movement but not at the expense of a jaywalker whom one has time to avoid. Indeed some rights take precedence over others but , sadly, order precedes liberty. For over nearly two hundred years 3000 miles of ocean insulated us . No more and nevermore.
  9. BEST: Lincoln, a no brainer since success in perilous times is a pre-requisite to greatness. FDR and Reagan are tied for second. Bush will be treated kindly in time even though now he looks bad a la Truman. WORST: Jimmy Carter a nice but clueless man. Woodrow Wilson neither nice nor clueless but a failure anyway.
  10. The National Debt is the best thing that ever happened to us. 1) The debt was nearly nothing prior to WWII and had it grown more quickly the previous 12 yrs the Depression may have been a recession. 2) England perfected the practice of ND and it funded their meteoric rise in 15th and 16th centuries. It allowed US to defeat Nazism in 5 years and Communism in 45! Would it have been better to allow Europe and Asia to become Fascist colonies?
  11. Iraq's free attachment to US and Iraq interests must be maintained. Iraq is THE geopolitical keystone of the region. If Democracy does not come to the Arab and Muslim Mid-east the "war" will last a century. There are good signs all over- from the "Green" Revolution to Khadafy"s pragmatism. In due time the Arab world will reject Wahabi extremism and/or annihilate it. We and the world are long past the point of no return
  12. In Sen. Schumer's case an enormous difference!
  13. If memory serves me it was due to a gas war due to ,of course ,overproduction. Since new refineries are few it is axiomatic that increased demand will drive prices upward. What is the price per gallon at which you will change your consumption? Anyway every one knows the "black Pope" is responsible for this. Or is it simmians?
  14. I like Mr. Schumer. He is a good Catholic.
  15. Was it 1961 or 1962 that gas price was 11 cents?
  16. Is my memory correct that during "the gas wars" circa 1961 that gasoline was eleven cents when normal was 25 cents or so?
  17. Philistines have a better chance than Moabites.
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