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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. I don't want him as a HC, adviser would be more to my liking.
  2. If you make a poor decision continuity will lead to continued failure. Rex Ryan=continued failure Tyrod Taylor=continued failure
  3. Whoa, breaking news. Great call. Never occurred to me. Why has nobody else ever talked about this? Brilliant!!! Great thread!!!
  4. I didn't get that, but, you must be right. Yeah, that league is in great shape.
  5. Would hate to think that someone would be overly critical after one bad coaching hire. They were bamboozled by the blowhard. Hopefully it's a lesson learned. Let Whaley make the decision. If it becomes a trend then flame away at them.
  6. Unless someone is available now who they want. Otherwise no reason to rush.
  7. I prefer a clean break even though it is into the unknown, but, if he is cut and then signed it needs to be at the Bills terms. Give him a take it or leave it offer. If he leaves so be it, at least you have clarity.
  8. yeah, just a bit. BTW, how long has the MLB season been 162 games?
  9. Perhaps you should then hang the bag from the counter. Mine messes up a kitchen like there is no tomorrow.
  10. You apparently don't know who you're talking to. The man is a football savant, just ask him, he'll tell you.
  11. This is bogus, a camera trick or slight of hand. StJtD and the rest of the CoT know that Taylor single-handedly won that game.
  12. If not that then what exactly are you trying to say? My personal belief is that it's time for a house cleaning.
  13. In other words not someone you'd hitch your wagon to.
  14. Personally I don't like the fact that 3 teams will lose a home game.
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