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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. Interesting thing I found researching the NJ deaths. Like you, @shoshin, I can't find anything at the moment that explains their high death to cases ratio.
  2. This liberal would love it. The more people who wear masks, the quicker this ***** is over with. I'd like to watch a kickoff in September.
  3. Pretty ***** you guys think a teacher, specifically this one, a Bills fan brethren, wants to sit home and collect checks. You should both be ashamed. Teachers have done a fantastic job since this crap started in March and should be applauded. Absolutely pathetic statements by the both of you.
  4. Your reason article even states this... Most the evidence so far suggests that people who recover from a COVID-19 coronavirus infection do, at least for a time, develop immunity to the microbe. If that's true, what is the disease-induced herd immunity threshold for the COVID-19 coronavirus? Various epidemiologists offer different answers, depending upon their estimates for the disease's R0 and other variables, but most have converged on a threshold at around 60 to 70 percent. That article seems to be based on the sciencedaily study - haven't had time to check out the mdnewstoday one. The study seems interesting - I'll give it a read when I had a chance. Thanks.
  5. NIH, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, and May Clinic are all within the range I stated. What scientific institutions/scientists have estimated 15-43%?
  6. Devils advocate position - isn't the point of cryptos to keep transactions private? If cash fades out at the same rate cryptos gain popularity, perhaps crypto eventually becomes the same cash as we see it today. Nerds will then collect hundred dollar bills like we collect silver quarters.
  7. I think scientists agree herd immunity for covid would be in the 65-75% range for exposures to the virus. As to hospitalizations and deaths in LA, their hospitalizations are climbing, and as we have seen, deaths are a lagging indicator so get back to me in a month. I just find it interesting they are the first state to "respike."
  8. Tough day for Flynn. I've read on this forum multiple folks say that he is/has been, how should I say it, Flynndicated.
  9. Louisiana is the first state to have a second spike with as many cases (Actually more at this point) as it's first spike.
  10. Interesting. Found this on a quick Google. I missed that Fed Reserve announcement. https://www.wfla.com/mobile/wawa-asks-customers-to-use-exact-change-amid-nationwide-coin-shortage/ The plea comes after the Federal Reserve announced a nationwide coin shortage, saying shutdown orders have significantly disrupted the supply chain and normal circulation for quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. “In the past few months, coin deposits from depository institutions to the Federal Reserve have declined significantly and the U.S. Mint’s production of coin also decreased due to measures put in place to protect its employees. Federal Reserve coin orders from depository institutions have begun to increase as regions reopen, resulting in the Federal Reserve’s coin inventory being reduced to below normal levels,” the central bank said in a statement. Wawa is letting customers round up purchases to the nearest dollar so they can donate to local charities through The Wawa Foundation. The chain says 100% of all donations will go to charity.
  11. You should have seen the bull#### I used to write on the tip jar sign. None of it was real
  12. Not sure. In general I don't have a huge issue with buybacks because it increases the value of the company thus increasing shareholder prices for 401Ks, etc. The $5 billion bailout irks me way more. $5 billion / 36,000 jobs is $138,888 / person UAL got from the government. I am sure there are a few hundred small businesses who were unable to get PPP loans that would have used that money to keep employees on the payroll.
  13. If I was ignoring it I would not have an opinion on it. I'm not ignoring it. I think it's Trump using right wing media to rile up his base. It there was a there there, there would be indictments. Trump might only have a few months left...
  14. I believe there is probable cause for the Vance case. Trump is identified as Individual 1, correct?
  15. Unfortunately for Trump the NYS one carries much more weight. If congress gets the tax records and finds something wrong the worst outcome is impeachment. When Vance gets the tax records and finds something wrong the worst outcome is prison.
  16. If we went cashless conservatives could stop bitching about Obama's pallet of cash he sent to Iran. That would be a positive. Realistically, though, to go cashless would take decades of coordination between all levels of government. The federal government cannot even coordinate with itself at this point. All things considered, I do agree a cashless society gets us closer to a dystopia than a utopia. I also see no problem with private businesses being credit/card only because of Covid-19.
  17. "not fair" - tough *****, DJ, the Supremes (including the two you nominated) have spoken
  18. If the evidence is substantial why hasn't trump's hand picked AG or any of his associates charged anyone related to #Obamagate?
  19. Quick to condemn Juneteenth without even reading what is in the link... not shocked judging by many of the things I have seen on this forum.
  20. There was not a Juneteenth event in 2020. Those pictures are from 2019. Directly from the link you posted... On behalf of the Tulsa Juneteenth Inc. Board of Directors and the collaborative Planning Committee, we would like to extend a heart-felt thank you for your commitment to making Tulsa Juneteenth 2019 a successful event. Due to CDC recommendations to prevent spreading COVID-19, and uncertainty about large public gatherings in the near term, the Tulsa Juneteenth Planning Committee has made the difficult decision to postpone the annual Juneteenth celebration to June 18-20, 2021. While Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom, emphasizes education, and celebrates the rich heritage of Greenwood, the new health precautions and need for social distancing has limited our ability to create a multi-arts experience that will be safe for our audience. Although we cannot celebrate in person this year, we encourage everyone to use #IAMJUNETEENTH and #TulsaTogether to share how you plan to honor Juneteenth while social distancing. Not sure this is 100% accurate
  21. Have you noticed Trump hasn't mentioned Obamagate in quite awhile? Why do you think that is?
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