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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. Do you care about the rights of those Americans?
  2. Remember, we're in a pandemic. We are in a situation where restaurants can be open because of how well citizens of the state have come together to social distance and wear masks. unfortunately, people are getting inebriated (that's not the unfortunate part) and failing to social distance (this is the unfortunate part) or wear masks when walking around the bar/restaurant (the other unfortunately part). When people are inebriated, Covid rules are not followed. I think it's a good rule. Bars and restaurants were not following the previous order. It's better than shutting them down entirely. I also think bar/restaurant owners should be subsidized for the amount of revenue they have lost, but that's for a different thread.
  3. Maybe but I can think of two situations - 1. Players with incentive based contracts 2. Players on the bubble who are only going to be rostered because of the Covid 19 cases
  4. We all live in the same damn country. Hope for our sake few of these 72 were Bills and for their sake they all recover fully.
  5. 1 - Strawman - can you find a single teacher who has said online learning is preferable to in person? 2 - More parents will withdraw their children if students are forced to go back during an outbreak than would withdraw their kid from online learning during said outbreak
  6. Yep. Will any players try to get Covid before the season starts so they don't miss three weeks? I sure hope not, but we're living in the stupidest timeline.
  7. Gross. I remember seeing this back in November. For those in the back FUUUUUCK CHINA
  8. What specific number(s) is/are incorrect? I'm trying to work with you here to make your math work out but it's difficult.
  9. That has little to do with our recent back and forth on this topic.
  10. 31.1% You said kids have less than a 1 in 1000 chance to get the virus. 16,797 kids under 18 have tested positive in Florida. For your statement of 1 in 1000 chance to get the virus to be correct, that means 16,797,000 tests would have been done on kids under 18 so far in Florida alone. That is almost 17 million. To put this in perspective, the entire US has done ~ 45 million tests so far. You are full of it.
  11. Probably. Let's safely enjoy it while we still can. So you want him to loosen restrictions again to cause more cases thus more deaths? I'm not getting your logic here.
  12. It's politics because he wants to keep Covid levels low enough for the state economy to remain mostly open? I guess. Personally, I like those politics.
  13. What on field issues related to any of the rumors so far could damage the entire NFL? hmmm
  14. Agree to disagree. There are some fantastic public servants out there who have given their careers and lives to their communities.
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