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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. Every business owner has the contact information for the county exec.
  2. There's a certain bar in Buffalo that is cash only that only serves booze (no food) that was allowed to remain open. How did they do it? They reached out to the County Exec, who reached out to the governor on their behalf, and was granted a waiver. It seems like that might be a better strategy for these businesses than posting their complaints on Facebook.
  3. Life was better on PPP when you had everyone on ignore and went #DeepState this, #DeepState that.
  4. Note: Provisional death counts are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics as of July 17, 2020. Death counts are delayed and may differ from other published sources (see Technical Notes). Counts will be updated periodically. Additional information will be added to this site as available.
  5. Too bad Twitter isn't a court room. Hillary would be on at least her 4th full year of solitary confinement.
  6. You might want to check how the numbers were also counted in 1968-1970. Take a guess Nostradamus. You know it's not 140K. What is a good estimate?
  7. The existence of this thread is the reason you cannot talk about that story? It's in the Epstein thread and you haven't commented on it yet. Logic says you would rather B word and moan like a Karen about this thread instead of talking about what we should be talking about in the other thread.
  8. A virus that killed 100,000 without lockdowns over an 18 month period is much less lethal than a virus that has killed over 140,000 with some lockdowns over a 5 month period. In my obvious opinion.
  9. The bubble on your PPP safe space popped long ago.
  10. Probably the saddest thing I read about the impacts of this virus is some bodies were not claimed was because the only living relative of that "body" was on a ventilator.
  11. Agree with the quote below 10000000000000% The movie was hilarious. My wife made me watch it last weekend after telling me about the plot. To be honest, I did not want to watch it because the plot sounded exactly like a different movie (a classic comedy). But it was nothing like it at all. Dare I say it was better? The scene with Samberg and JK Simmons in his backyard had me laughing harder than I have for a movie in quite some time.
  12. This place has been much more peaceful since Q Baby and DR/WeComeInPeace/WarrenGhostbustersDude got banned. I just changed my username to an old one because I was sick of being stalked by a certain board member here. Things stop being funny when stuff gets mailed to your home addressed to Gary Busey.
  13. Restaurants flaunting stuff like this... will lead to this... It ain't that bad in NY, people. We're in the middle of a PANDEMIC.
  14. It's quite silly. He has defined the world in which we must live in as the rules the left has established yet revels in disobeying these rules that he made up by posting the same Dan Bongino Tweet every single day. It's a bit schizophrenic.
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