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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. That's much worse than canned chili. I have a large can of Hormel Chili circa 1995 in my possession. Purchased in Denver, it has travelled from there to Vail to Long Island to Vail and back with a few trips to Vermont along the way. Somewhere around 1999 we called the 800 number on the label and we were told that it would still be "tasty" for a few more years. I wonder what would be safer to eat, my pristine box of Flutie Flakes or the chili?
  2. Worst prediction has to go to anyone thinking Peterman would have a good game at LA For funniest I'd go with Teef or Jauronimo Most courteous is a tough one, there really are a lot of posters who manage to make their points and can agree/disagree without the attitude. My vote would be for Mead. Mostly because he's like the welcome wagon for new posters and out of towners coming to a home game.
  3. Cool. I appreciate your opinions and willingness to reconsider (or not back down) when challenged. We agree on Alderson. I have implicit trust in him, I just worry that he's inhibited by ownership. But if he thinks Omar will help with player development I'm on board. It's similar to my belief that a guy that fails as an NFL head coach is an ideal OC/DC if they can put the ego aside.
  4. I knew they could review and put time back on the clock, but had no idea they could call down and halt play. I think the NHL has implemented replay better than the NFL. This was a surprising example for me.
  5. Full disclosure: Islanders fan. I was half watching the game, but did I see this correctly? Did a replay official actually stop continuous play with around 38 seconds left to reverse a missed goal? If so, I didn't know a replay official could actually halt play. I thought they waited for a stoppage.
  6. Millen went from the broadcast booth to CEO/GM and failed miserably. When was he hired as an adviser? MInaya came up through the ranks and became GM of some good Mets teams. I remember a predilection for Hispanic players, but pitching aside they were good and the team was fun to watch. Who can forget the Moustache! Now Alderson is clearly in charge and brings in Minaya for player development. Not sure how that compares to Millen.
  7. No clue and I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories. But I'm not a believer in gross coincidences either. Pats have been the recipient of some Riveron calls that were either inconsistent (Cooks catch, James non-catch) or non conclusive (Bills twice and Jets). Throw in the Gronk BS where the league that is supposedly concerned about player safety passed on a layup to prove it and it's hard to ignore the pattern. As to your question about motivation, don't know, don't care...I'm suspicious all the same...doesn't appear to be a level playing field.
  8. I've been pissed off that I can't flare my nostrils since the first time i saw someone else do it. Sorry for the distraction, carry on all...and I do mean ALL...this continues to be highly entertaining.
  9. Three corners suspended by the team in the same season. That's gotta be unprecedented. Apple may be a problem child but it makes me question whats going on with the coaching staff.
  10. Jags. Winning twice in the same year at KC seems unlikely. Plus I'd rather play the team with less playoff history.
  11. Didn't Winslow block a FG in that game? Absolutely epic performance.
  12. Chargers-Dolphins 1/2/1982: https://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/35-years-ago-chargers-dolphins-was-one-of-the-best-games-in-nfl-history-111016
  13. The amazing thing to me is looking at the Giants secondary this season: Dominque Rodgers-Cromarties suspension: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/21000984/dominique-rodgers-cromartie-new-york-giants-suspended-indefinitely Janoris Jenkins suspension: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/giants/2017/10/31/janoris-jenkins-suspended-new-york-giants/818789001/ Allegations that Jenkins quit on his teammates after his return: http://www.nj.com/giants/index.ssf/2017/11/did_giants_janoris_jenkins_run_himself_out_of_town.html And now these comments from Landon Collins about Eli Apple.
  14. Thats what I thought. I'm not taking that one for granted regardless what Marrone says...but definitely a better statement than "we are resting our regulars".
  15. Don't we also need Jags over Titans if the Chargers lose? After what I saw with the Raiders last night I should have no confidence they can beat the Chargers, but for some reason I like that one better. What sucks is that every win we need is s road win, including our own.
  16. Totally agree. Are you saying that you would have embraced Bortles, Foles, Keenum as your starting QB at this time last year or just basing it on their teams (and their own) success this year?
  17. Outstanding! Stuff that's happened since 1 PM EST yesterday (in order) - the Pats/Bills debacle - attended Christmas Eve mass dedicated to a boy who didn't survive when his 8 month pregnant Mom suffered a medical emergency that nearly resulted in her own death - Xmas eve with my side of the family, good times - my 14 year old fractures his arm...thank you Xmas Eve urgent care! - Santa works his magic - I learn that my bro-in-laws Mom took a fall Xmas eve resulting in 12 stitches to the head, and fractured vertebrae. - good times Xmas day with my wifes side of the family that now includes 2 babies and a 2 year old (circle of life) So what's my point? Just a reminder to all. Enjoy life. Cherish the moments. And most of all wishing a healthy, happy holiday season to all!
  18. Next Sunday 4:30 PM can't get here soon enough for me. But I do agree with Yolo's doubt, mostly because every win we need (including our own) is an away win. Doubts aside we have a shot at breaking the drought. If it doesn't happen I might not make it past 9 PM on New Years Eve, if it does happen I might be up all night! Go Bills!
  19. You guys are all out to lunch. This still photo DOES provide irrefutable, conclusive evidence that this was not a catch. Everyone is focusing on toe drags and possession, but none of you can see the forest for the trees. If you look closely at the footwork, what you will notice is that the receiver is wearing standard issue Buffalo Bills footwear. Clearly this cannot be a catch. Had this been Kraft-issued, Patriot themed footwear it would be readily apparent to the most casual observer that this was a catch worthy of 6 points. #sarcasm
  20. JMO, but you shouldn't post such depressing thoughts this close to Xmas But yeah, that makes a ton of sense. Nice call, I hope you're wrong in so many ways.
  21. Maybe the elves will draw up some schematics for you.
  22. Maybe Santa will leave something under the tree that will help you out.
  23. Didn't see this one coming. Minaya back in the fold: https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/omar-minaya-return-1.15557171
  24. Sometimes you have to think outside the box.
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