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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Fantasy Island - Bills style. Instead of Tattoo running up the tower to ring the bell and yell "Za plane! Za plane!", we'll get Flutie to run to the top of the stadium, blow the horn and yell "Za RV! Za RV!" Fitz could play the role of Mr. Roarke. In episode 1, Norwood drills it down the middle.
  2. I like the idea of playing the Super Bowl on the Sunday before Presidents Day as well. But instead of an 18 game season, I'd start the season a few weeks later. Me and friends did a Super Bowl ski weekend for years. Until the time I called home on SB Sunday and my son wouldn't talk to me. He was pissed I wasn't home to watch the game with him.
  3. 8 year olds. It was baseball and they'd had two years of T-Ball/Coach Pitch and it was the first year they "pitched" on their own (it was torturous). The next year (9 and 10 year olds) there were standings and playoffs.
  4. No doubt. I saw that on a team I managed. Sometimes they'd ask me after the game who won even though we didn't keep track and there was no bigger trophy to be had. Kids were more than ready for the next step.
  5. Good point about Plawecki's ability to stay on the field, but VW just sent him to Cleveland for two minor leaguers. For my money, Beef-On-Plawecki never did anything exceptional. At least Travis had a great hitting stretch in 2015 and maybe one other shorter stint in between long stays on the DL. Mets also traded three minor leaguers for two to the Astros. I'd be interested if anyone has insight on any of the players in the trade. Mets got a guy named J.D. Davis who led the PCL in batting average last year (.342). My first thought is the guy must have issues of some sort. Trade was Ross Adolph (OF), Luis Santans (IF) and Scott Manea (C) for J.D Davis (IF) and Cody Bohanek (IF).
  6. My theory is it's the parents who are planning out little Johnny or Jenna's sports scholarship before their kid ever sets foot on a field.
  7. Maybe where I differ from you guys is I give more credit to the kids. I don't think that just because they get a trophy they think they're a superstar. I think they are more self aware than that. I also wouldn't discourage a kid from pursuing a sport they like because they aren't good at it. Plenty of opportunities in sports for non-athletes (refs/umps, sports medicine, player agent, to a lesser degree coaching, nowadays analytics,...) and being around the sport as the last player on the bench can only help. Regardless, if the participation trophy haters marched on Washington and convinced Trump to sign an executive order banning participation trophies it wouldn't bother me. To me it's a pretty innocuous tradition.
  8. You took the words right out of my mouth. Everyone got a trophy but the champs got a big one. Everyone wanted the big one.
  9. Is this a trick question? I'm going with Billy's mother and father.
  10. Trivial? Better? Bullied? Daddy? Latte? Chat? Have a nice day!
  11. Answering your own question. Not responding to the question I asked. Enough said.
  12. Did any Bills fan on this board need to see the Colts game to determine we need big improvements on the OL? Master of the obvious. When you see an elite WR have a big playoff game will you please remind us that one of those would be helpful too?
  13. I hope you're right. I'd feel better about the bullpen with a proven lefty. I'm skeptical it will happen, but Britton would be a welcome surprise. Three interesting reliever signings this year: Familia: 3 years, $30 million Andrew Miller: 2 years, $25 million David Robertson: 2 years, $23 million Miller is coming off an injury but I think we'd better off with him over Familia....even though I liked the Familia signing. EDIT: add Zach Britton, 3 years, $39 million to the list.
  14. The city and region is a legit impediment as is 1 playoff game in 18 years. Talent level is a concern for every team. This debate that our visitors locker room is a serious impediment to attracting free agents makes me worry about what this board will debate until opening day next year.
  15. They probably don't like Adam Jones in CF. It also looks like they aren't counting on Lagares.
  16. Years ago I was at a party. A friend of a friend was married to a large lady who I hadn't seen in a while. Someone mentioned that large lady was pregnant and I said something to the effect "You're kidding, I had no idea, congratulations!!". Problem was she was in the last trimester which apparently was blatantly obvious to everyone but me. My comment was well-intentioned, but nevertheless it was an epic fail. One of those moments I'll always feel bad about.
  17. I'm an out of towner who has been to 3 games in Buffalo. One was last season. I don't remember hearing a train horn so I have no idea what the poll is all about. There was no clueless option so I'll just abstain from the vote. But Fred Flintstone brought back memories. Pretty sure before the opening kickoff circa 1998 they did a Flintstone Water Buffalo Stampede thing that was pretty cool. #BringBackFredFlintstone
  18. When I was little and Vietnam was raging someone had spray painted War on a Stop sign in a neighborhood we'd pass through from time to time. I thought "Stop War" was a warning that we were entering a war zone. I used to duck down in the back seat and wondered why we couldn't go a different way.
  19. Not a fan of the Bonham homage that kicks this off, just doesn't fit, but after that all good.
  20. I don't think the use of McBeane is misleading or stupid. Just the opposite actually. People like myself see them as a package deal. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Pegulas hired them off the same team. IMO, McBeane is a clever way of acknowledging this.
  21. Forever? Is that really you're perspective? Even if you don't like the current regime are you making a blanket assumption that you will think the same of the next group(s)? Hand to forehead indeed.
  22. First off: Happy New Year! I don't know how you separate the reason you get fired as a HC with how long you held the job. The leash is always short and there are different reasons why you get fired. Bowles should have been fired from the Jets as quickly as Rex was from the Bills IMO. The fact that Bowles lasted as long as he did was astounding, but I doubt had anything to do with the color of his skin. Beyond pure speculation and the one year tenure is there any reason to believe the Wilks firing was racially motivated? Opportunity speaks to hiring not firing. Using a coaches firing as a platform to decry their lack of opportunity makes no sense to me.
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