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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. 25-28. Can't fault the offense. This game like the Jets game falls on our vaunted defense. Sadly now we are 1-3 in the AFC. We can't stop a good pass offense and apparently can't stop a good Rush offense.
  2. The Dolphins game is not gonna be easy regardless of if he plays or not. Gillislee, Bush & Williams better be ready to pound the rock.
  3. I work in a business where if I don't sell I make nothing. I wish teams paid everyone this way. From the GM on down. I guarantee you everyone would be a lot more focused.
  4. He could play on the torn meniscus. Now with the surgery he will be held out for 2-4 weeks to allow decent time for recovery.
  5. You are fine to not care about what Kaepernick does. But what Kaepernick is standing up for, for you to say you don't care about those issues, does show a profound lack of empathy.
  6. And probably net yards rushing for vs yards rushing against.
  7. Key word is could. I agree the skills and the athleticism are all there. Unfortunately some players are more injury prone, while some are just unlucky. Having a quality QB, coaching has a lot to do with it. For example Jerry Rice likely wouldn't have had the career he had if he played on a team that wasn't a west coast offense, for example the Bears.
  8. Wow, http://wivb.com/2015/05/05/study-says-western-new-york-is-one-of-the-most-racist-in-the-country/amp/
  9. Lots of respect for the 1st amendment. As a city that once banned the NAACP from holding a conference in their city in the early 1900s we have come a long way.
  10. Close because the Pacific Northwest is Green.
  11. 6 passing TDs ain't bad. Only 2 interceptions. 3 wins 2 losses. If we keep on this path we will be 9-6 going into NY Jets. Same role as last year. How regular season games did Osweiler or Manning win for Denver last year? It comes down to the overall team performance. Look at New England with Brissett.
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