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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. He will likely play with a brace and do offeseason surgery
  2. In honor of what's his name coming to town I wanted to start a convo on the top QB career altering injuries in NFL history. Montana and Theismann come to mind. Manning's 2006 neck injury versus the Redskins and bounty hunter Gregg Williams is rumored to have led to his decline. I'm sure we can construct a top 10 list. And maybe one lucky Bills defender can add to the list soon.
  3. My good buddy always says we should run a roll out to Belichicks sideline and have someone either A fall at his legs, or B have the QB throw the ball away into his face.
  4. I like our chances. The beauty of football is that it is unpredictable. Who would have predicted Gronk's ACL in 2012, or Gronk's high ankle sprain in 2011, or Hernandez's murder conviction in 2013? Remember Edelman's broken foot in 2015? The Pats haven't been dealt a crippling injury this year. They will incur injuries it's inevitable.
  5. Football is not worth being a paraplegic. Aaron hopefully won't need surgery, but regardless he needs to retire. He's only 26 lot's of life in front of him.
  6. I do think the OP makes a valid argument that Taylor doesn't seem to have the requisite skill set to come from behind. But neither does EJ. I'd continue sprinkling EJ into the game and using him for hard counts, QB sneaks, and bootlegs. I'd also try EJ as a receiver in the wildcat.
  7. Tyrod is not a QB. He is an athlete who makes one read, of not open he scrambles tries to get someone open and either throws it away, or tucks it and runs. If Tyrod could learn how to make throws inside the pocket like Brees watch out.
  8. Dareus is a complete bust. He's quickly trending into Albert Haynesworth infamy. Such potential, but a checkered past, and lack of internal drive has been his downfall. At this point I'd bet 75% of the fan base is against him. Count me in that 75%.
  9. We will need a great game on both lines. And someone to shut down their TEs.
  10. Has Brady ever been knocked out of a game? Not that ACL bs I'm talking head slammed to the ground head spinning. Hopefully we can knock him out of his first game.
  11. Wrong. The guy has Bruschi's transplanted heart. The Evil Doctor Belichickstein performed the sacrificial transplant last night.
  12. I like the idea someone floated of Luke Tasker. At this point I'd be turning over stones everyday. I'd be busing in an FA WR looking to try out for the team. Guys like Fred Jackson & Kurt Warner prove there is talent out there if someone gets a chance.
  13. Can we renegotiate Marcell? As in can Marcell as a sign of goodwill shave off 10 million for missing 4 games.
  14. I'd prefer a bigger bodied guy but given the fact that Taylor likes speed guys I'd take Torrey.
  15. I think EJ Manuel could play a little WR. He's decent enough to warrant attention as a decoy plus he knows the playbook.
  16. To me Fitz is the type of QB who will play better angry. He's gonna go out and put up 300 yards his next game and also try and run someone over.
  17. New England will be 50x worse. You think Edelman, Brady, and Blount won't be trash talking?
  18. I liked his game though day. Rush d let us down bigly.
  19. The intent is what matters. The intent and bodily action of targeting the head coupled with launching full force motion will be what gets him busted. That said A. Williams had to see that. Perhaps his peripheral vision is blinded by his style face mask?
  20. #23 has a heart of gold, but his body is broken. Chalk in Goodwin. You hate losing guys but durability is a must in this game. I wish rosters could be expanded in the next CBA along with short term month long IR's for guys like Goodwin & Williams.
  21. He could have come in handy today. 250 plus yards on the ground? Ouch.
  22. Rush defense was a sieve today.
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