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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. His 61 yard TD in NY was sweet Best old man receiver guy over 30 would be Calvin Johnson.
  2. Does Williams undergo more surgery or retire is the question now?
  3. At a certain point you negotiate a deal and ship him on his way. He isn't giving 100% full effort.
  4. As I said before, the only way AW comes back is by undergoing the spinal vertebrae fusion. Sadly that means 2017 is toast. If I'm AW I would retire, but I wouldn't stop him if he wanted to give it one more shot.
  5. Every time EJ throws I think a pick is about to happen.
  6. I do not need an Ivy League education to pontificate that "it's hard to win in the NFL", no more than I need a Syracuse education to state the "Obvious", even that Harvard masters degree, in English History, to rally our team "when it's too tough for them, it's just right for us." For I have the coach that I think we deserve. A coach who curses, and talks a good game. He is backed by a GM known for his email prowess, who was taught by the previous GM how to "catfish". For we are the Buffalo Bills. With a stadium built on sacred ground. Our sixteen year drought has gotten many down. But I encourage you not to lose faith, nor fear the coming winters snow. Our playoffless streak has got some feeling bleak. Now is the time to close, for my prose is being exposed. Guess I'll need those fancy degrees after all, back to college next fall.
  7. Tyrod Taylor is getting better. He's not a complete QB but given more weapons he'd be doing much better. In 5 years Tom Brady will be retired and Tyrod will still be in his prime.
  8. Chicago gets Gilmore and saves about 3.5 million in salary as Gilmore's making 9 million vs Jeffrey's 16. Being that half the season is over the Bills would be on the hook for and extra 3.5 million in salary. Chicago gets a player they can franchise and trade, or simply let walk. Jeffrey is 27 and likely won't be around for the new younger QB who will replace Cutler. We get a weapon we can use now and possibly resign.
  9. 41, 28, 37. For a third time in 4 AFC East games this year a Rex Ryan defense has been shredded. Take out the Jacoby Brissett shut out and you're staring at 35.3 points yielded a game. In Week 2 Fitz torched the Bills using their big physical receivers. In week 7 Miami's oline shredded our front 7. Today the Patriots scored on 8 of 11 drives, not counting the final kneel down. There are issues on offense, but the defense is the reason why Rex is a head coach. He has, his stud rookie pass rusher, and his $100 million defensive tackle back. Yet the defense had no answer. Blame players all you want but Rex Ryan owns the defense. The biggest area of concern is at the safety level. I don't have the all-22 but it looks Meeks got burned on the first TD then, poor tackling on a WR screen led to another, and Gilmore appears to be the victim of no help over the top on Hogan's burn. I'm sure there's a ton of blown assignments on that end. Blanton, and Meeks look lost. Ed Reed in his prime would be useful. Having an all-time great wouldn't solve all the issues that appear to be scheme based. Scheme is what leads to 35.3 points against. Being out-schemed is on the coaches. It is inexcusable to put a 5'8" Robey-Coleman alone with no safety help on Gronk. Let's be honest the Bills model of winning is based on the defense keeping opponents out of the end zone. The Broncos offense sucks. They've lost their top running back, have a below average QB who sucked in college. Their top WR is hobbled by injury. But Denver's defense doesn't get out-schemed. 31, 25, 25 can win games. The problem is on Rex Ryan. He can deflect and cover all he wants but the man simply can't scheme a game. What will the excuse be Monday night in Seattle? A hobbled Russell Wilson and porous Seattle offensive line should be fodder for a defensive "genius". If Rex does his homework he, Rob and Dennis should be able to come up with a winning gameplan.
  10. New England has a great system with an all-time great QB and great personnel.
  11. I'm totally with you bro. If you're gonna draw the flag for a late him "sweep the leg" and go for broke.
  12. The best deal the Bills could make is trading Gilmore to Chicago for Alshon Jeffrey. Their contracts both expire in 2017. We get rid of a malcontent who doesn't appear to be putting in a full effort and add a weapon.
  13. I liked Brown's sack although he should have went for the ball. Good hit, good power and I liked the wrap up and driving him into the ground and having him land on his shoulder. Close call if Brown got more lift and landed on Brady with all his weight it's possible we get a collarbone or AC joint injury. With a little different technique Brown could have tomahawked the ball loose. http://m.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Tom-Brady-hit-hard-by-Preston-Brown-on-the-3rd-down-sack/6f88c8d2-d6e6-4f3c-b5aa-c82d7aab6c1b
  14. 41 points given up by our defense and everyone is mad at Tyrod.
  15. I see Belichick has given his Defender's instructions to intentionally injure Tyrod.
  16. As Gilmore said, he has numbness in one of his arms. Last years procedure involved shaving the bone of two vertebrae to alleviate pressure it was putting on the nerve(s). So we know the general problem, discs and vertebrae involved and why it's causing a problem. No doubt this sounds like Peyton Manning's neck injury which also caused numbness or loss of touch dexterity. Ultimately Manning underwent three posterior cervical foraminotomy before ultimately going through a vertebrae spinal anterior fusion. It's my bet Aaron Williams could have the same surgery and continue playing however because he is waiting till the offseason to make a decision he would likely miss 2017, like Manning missed 2011. At 28 years old in 2018 Williams could come back, or he could retire. I'd put retirement at a 75% likelihood.
  17. He will likely play with a brace and do offeseason surgery
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